After procrastinating to the enth degree, after using all delaying tactics known and unknown, at long last it could not be avoided any longer.

Yesterday, Obama administration, the always ready to bend backwards to not jeopardize his faulty legacy nuke deal with the Islamist fascist Führer, had to bite the bullet and indict 7 terrorist hackers “working on behalf of the Iranian government and Islamic Revolutionary Guard.”

Aside trying to paralyze the financial institutions, the 7 cyber terrorists named in the indictment, tried to takeover the control mechanism of a NY dam posing a “clear and present danger to the public health and safety of Americans.” (Video ↓)

And here is the usual, Who? Me? NEVER response by the Islamist fascists-“reformers” and all:

“Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari says Iran has never engaged in dangerous actions in cyberspace.” (Video ↓)

The deafening silence of the Islamist fascist lobbyists like NIAC, the usual useful lefties and “anti-war” lovelies must be noted.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.