تازه ترین سنجش های Wicked_Wanda
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Wicked_Wanda | ۱۱ سال قبل
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با ایرونی :
Wicked_Wanda | ۱۱ سال قبل
۳ ۵۲۸
Who cares? I know the Iranian-Americans are hungry for conciliation between the " Great Satan" and "Axis of Evil" but stop being sentimental, Iran is so f**ked right now
The US did not provide for their security; they had no choice but to self-deport.
The Regime wanted the US Wrestling Federation to prevent Iranian-Americans from bringing flags (shir o khorshid) to the arena and not allow anti-Regime slogans. Well, welcome to democracy and the freedom of speech
The head of the Regime Olympic Committee's rational was that when the US team comes to Iran, people are not allowed to say, "death to America". therefore, Iranian-Americams should be prevented from saying things that the Regime officials do not like. Well, welcome to America, now go back to Iran
توزیع ۱۰ هزار پرچم شیر و خورشید برای حضور تماشاگران ایرانی باعث فرار عناصر جمهوری اسلامی از آمریکا شد
Az tars shahram Houmayoun dar raftan................