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Joined on May 12, 2013

A friend of the terrorist who slew the British soldier in Woolwich was arrested after a legitimate interview with BBC, in which he exposed MI5's recruitment pattern......yet no one's calling for the removal of the Queen and/or stoppage of the UK's nukey activity.......—Wondering Wicked Wanda
The fear that after the (inevitable) collapse of the IRI, iroon "will" turn into a bunch of tiny screwed up countries is there, and it's real. Wake up, opposition.......wake up for a free and united IRAN.—Worried Wicked Wanda
I want to put out the fires of Hell, and burn down the rewards of Paradise. They block the way to God. I do not want to worship from fear of punishment or for the promise of reward, but simply for the love of God.—Rabia Basri
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies. —Marx
Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.—Golda Meir
