تازه ترین سنجش های AriSiletz
به مدت یک هفته نامرئی شدید. کار مهمی می توانید انجام دهید؟
AriSiletz | ۱۱ سال قبل
۹ ۱۰۱۵
هرکی بهت سنگ پرتاب کرد، تو براش گل پرتاب کن
AriSiletz | ۱۱ سال قبل
۶ ۱۰۲۲
دونالد ترامپ: تسلیم، نه بمب، نه موشک و نه پهباد! فیروز نجومی
firoz | ۶ دقیقه قبل
۰ ۱
دسته: تعیین نشده
هنر و زندگی با فیروزه خطیبی: نگاهی به فیلم نامزد جایزه اسکار "بروتالیست"
HonarvaZendegi | ۵ ساعت قبل
۰ ۳۰
دسته: تعیین نشده
How about the dumbest of all; redneck
my favorite is Goosaleh!
من نام حیوانات را دوست ندارم در این مواقع مصرف کنم. اونها خیلیcute هستن برایه این حرفا.
You have missed "olagh" "yaboo" and some other really classy ones :)
بستگی به راننده دارد :
Bavafa, interesting observation. In English animal names are much less common a way to call someone dumb. Instead the more direct...retard, idiot, moron... or variations are used.
Gharbzadeh, "Goosaleh" is one of my favorite traffic words too. The word is a phonetic mouthful with the "oo" vowel being user-customizable to make it a good frustration relief.
Bambi, I admire your kindness to animals. Be careful though; calling someone's cute kid a goosaleh may have unintended consequences :) By the way, you may have noticed that in English "cow eyes" sometimes means big, disarming, beautiful eyes.
chogok, yes some classics are missing. Thank you for filling in two more of them. I have a feeling that "Yaboo" is more often used on another driver who almost got you killed, whereas "olagh" is a pedestrian who almost got himself killed. Dunno, more surveys are needed!
Hajminator, your ability to use in-context humor in sudden emergencies suggests you have mastered the art of patience.
Ari jaan, ok you don't believe me for the two last points, and you might be right, but I swear that for the first one it's absolutely the pure truth.
Hajminator, I do believe you on all points! Some folks don't get as upset as others during driving. After all, it's not personal and they didn't mean to offend.
این سنجش موفق به کشف پدیده جدیدی در جامعه ایران شده است. از آن ۳ نفری که هنگام پرخاش واژه "اردک" را بکار می برند بدینوسیله دعوت می شود که در یک برنامه پژوهشی ایرون دات کام شرکت کنند.
It is very curious that your choice word for a bad driver is "bitch", as if there are no men who are bad drivers?!
Good point, Bambi!
For laughs, though, here's a 16 second video.
In junior high we had some mean girls who called the teacher a duck, because she was short and chubby who had a gait similar to Donald Duck. So the duck answer does not totally surprise me. I find it off though for a road rage expression.
Bambi, my late uncle was a swearer behind the wheel, even when there were kids in the car. So his wife had asked him to use "ordak" instead. "Ordak" , starts off the same way as "olaagh," the "ak" at the end suggests belittlement, and also it goes with the action word "ordangi." He found it the perfect kidsafe word for road rage. Maybe it has caught on!
It is very interesting that you mention this, because I find that a lot of families have certain "homemade" phrases, words and expressions that are quite unique to them. Some are used as codes in front of guests, some they use because they are endearing to them, such as a memory of a pet, and in your uncle's case to sanitize the language in front of the kids, etc. And I also find it that the more comfortable they are in front of you the more likely they are to use them.
ماشین که داریم اما باید دیوانه باشی تا در پاریس بخواهی رانندگی کنی، هر وقت درین شهر باشیم و بخواهیم به جایی برویم؛ از مترو و اتوبوس استفاده میکنیم اما اگر هوا خوب باشد ؛ با وسپا میرویم، اگر عجله داشته باشیم؛ با هارلی میرویم...
ما نیز از فحش دادن به حیوانات پرهیز میکنیم، فحشهای موردِ علاقه فارسی ما : پدر سوخته، پفیوس، گاریچی، مردکه حمال (زنکه یخمال) میباشد ... به فرانسه، اسپانیولی، ایتالیائی و ترکی نیز بلدیم فحش بدهیم.
خانمها بعضی وقتها بی حوصله رانندگی میکنند ... :| ... مردها هم که عجله دارند.
جناب ردواین، مدتها بود که از گاریچی یاد نکرده بودم. سپاس!
ردواین من رو یاد کاپیتان هادوک انداختی!