AliP. 's Recent Surveys
Do you remember "IranOnLine"?
AliP. | 6 years ago
0 743
Whether it is my body, or my ashes, I would like it to be buried in Iran
AliP. | 7 years ago
2 954
Iran International: Iran’s rial plunges past 1 million per dollar in record drop
Miroon | 5 hours ago
0 21
Category: None
Of all punctuation marks, try to be quoted...something like that...
Why is it hard for most people to admit that the "iranian" part just kinda automatically is eliminated once you have been in a certain place for over 15 years.
If you are Iranian and born and raised in Iran, you are Iranian, where is the confusion? I will never call myself hyphenated of any thing no matter how many years I may be away from Iran.
The 15-years rule doesn't apply to those who mesl-e kerm tooye khodaashoon miloolan and know nothing, absolutely nothing about the society, culture and politics of the land...
This is the kinda question that concerns Bee Hovyat's like Faramarz ...
So.....a person is Baa Hoviyat if they're like you?
Leave it to us Iranians to fight amongst oursleves as to who's right and who's wrong while the cockroach republik keeps on trukin' down the road to hell!
دو رگه ایرانی نما, یک عکس از هویتم میگیرم و برات میفرستم
"So.....a person is Baa Hoviyat if they're like you?"
Yup there are great chances they would be
Some like it Hot - Final Scene
Darius jaan: You threw the 1st punch. Not cool.
Faramarz: "do rageh irani namaa"? C'mon man...uncalled for.
Yup it's called a hyphenated punch
And with No Gloves On !
Raging Bull (3/12) Movie CLIP - Hit Me in the Face (1980) HD
Care for a Round Three Faramarz ?
Champion (1949) Kirk Douglas
Arabian-Afghani is more appropriate to assign to those who have come from Iran and reside in the western countires, for the following reasons: a) most have Arabic names (e.g., Asghar, Assdola, Mammad, Hassan, Hossein, etc.) and b) most are barbarics!
OH this is just beautiful . LOve watching these clowns Twitch and get bent outta shape when someone talks about their identity. They don't know What identity is if it sat down on their laps and said F...Your W...
I did not know about your passion about Worms and i am glad that you have such passion for this topic. RIght. I agree. Those idiots who don't bother to know about their lands may be excluded .
Hyphenated-nationality people reminds me of the Saturday Night Live character Pat! You could never figure out if Pat was a man or a woman! But then again at the age of Trannies it doesn't matter anymore! But then again you could never truly figure out the sex/nationality/allegiance of the people behind user IDs on this site! Chetori, Khoshgel? :-)
brother Ali.
i consider myself a Muslem. no confusions here.
هفت شهر عشق را عطار گشت
ما هنوز اندر خم یک کوچه ایم
عطار بابا کار و زندگی داشت. بیکار نبود بشین پایه اینترنت هی کامنت بده
Would anyone with tiny bit of "Hovyat" , brain, "kar va zendegi" create 12 user ID's on internet, clinging to the little Khayeh of Assad, Putin, obama and malijak madar ghahbeh below hoping to to save Ali Khaayeh-many and shoraka from the inevitable?!
Dont think so!!!
Iran is dead. There is no Iran or Iranian. But there is a Jomhuri-e Eslami-e Iran. Iran died with the Shah. Youll be lucky if your grandchildren can speak Farsi, let alone read-write it. Get over it people. When we came to this place, we all knew it was a one-way ticket. For those of you who wish to cling on to your heritage and identity, youre clinging on to something else. That 'Iran' no longer exists. Oh, but never mind, go on. Keep on believing the belief. We all have that "Persian flaw". Even Picard has it:
Zolfali the moron or is it hamal the moron or whatever else you came up since :
I had one user ID MRX or years and still do. I am not confused like you and folks like you who can't even figure out where you come from and your sense of loyalty. enough said.
Thanks for putting your "sense of Loyalty" and I presume "national pride" on clear display.
Never believed it, but it is obvious that the Better side always comes out when under pressure.
Good to know. GO iran. Change the world. Yaayyy....The world is vvatccheeeng. Let's show the world, in the words of that Ex-cop, How the coolddd Keees ouver asses.
MRX jooni joon joonam!
Yes, I believe everything you say my jigar bala!!!
"Khoshdel". "Razi" , "Bavafa" and so on are not your other user ID's!!!!!!
Now in return, tell me, how are negotiations going? Are you guys gonna buy this site too or :
1) Tahrim shodeh pool tah keshideh!
2) chak va chooneh edammeh daareh!
Boos Boos, Maach Maach!
There is a group here that is teaming up with Fer fereh and ex-police and wanna go after Jar jari Koosh Koosh.
Their mission: A Wicth hunt here to "smoke out" those die-hard Trump supporters who live in their minds and imagination.
Signs of aging among the former Toodeis and Student federation boys who F...things up in iran and went oooopsi...and decided to Come to Amereeeka and cherish Amereekan pie and values.
My Iranin friends call themselves Persians.
There is one who claims to be Italian!
Fer feri ?