www.baharmedia.net: Trump is Turning the U.S. into a Shit-hole - Part 2

FT: Iran’s economy collapses as US sanctions pile on the pain

The Washington Post: Crazy-rich Iranians face blowback at a time of sanctions and economic stress

F.P.: Chrystia Freeland: The woman who poked the elephant but squeaked out a deal

FT: Cash-strapped Iranians curse ‘corrupt’ regime

business standard: As US sanctions loom, Iran's rial hits record low of 112,000 to a dollar - Long Live the Revolution! Hope the Tokhmi inalienable right was worth it.

Reuters: As sanctions start to bite, Iran crude exports set to wilt

The Guardian: Maersk Tankers pulls out of Iran in blow to nuclear deal

www.baharmedia.net: 5 Transformational Caspian Sea Mega-Projects

www.ayatoilet.com: Oil Economics is Shifting, Iran Beware

Ayatoilet: Economy Always Does Better Under the Democrats

ayatoilet.com: The eDollar has trumped the Petro-Dollar … Someone please tell the Mullahs!

CNN: Did Iran just make a big economic mistake?

Guardian: Greece and Spain helped postwar Germany recover. Spot the difference

FP: Why Would the Saudis Deliberately Crash the Oil Markets?

Trend.az: Iran rejects Boeing’s offered prices for spare parts

Bloomberg: IMF Says Rouhani Has Stabilized Iran's Economy

Wall Street Journal: Oil, Auto Companies Make Plans to Invest in Iran if Sanctions Ease

Before It's News: Colorado Sells $19 Million in Weed in March: $1.9 Million Goes to Schools and Crime Down 10%

bbc, Jonathan Marcus: China gas deal: Russia's prospects in the East
