Iraqi government has recently received recommendations from parliament members to ask Russian Federation to help them in fight against Islamic State in Iraq. This is coming at the exact time when Syrian leader is paying a surprise visit to Russia. This will definitely be a huge game changer in the relations between Middle Eastern nations and the West. US government's reaction to this news which has made it clear that they will terminate all the help to Iraqi government if Russians get involved is very understandable. Iraqi Prime Minister has politely mentioned that US government has been lacking political will in dealing with Islamic State in Iraq to bring desired results. At the same time Russian activities in Syria putting on display a great efficiency in destruction of the targets in Islamic State and forcing it's fighters to retreat.

Position of Iranian government in these regional developments and their cooperation with Russians and Syrians seem to have created some confusion among Iranians who consider themselves as opposition to Islamic government of Iran. There should be no doubt in anybody's mind that, the very existence of Iran is totally dependent on success of the operation to destroy Islamic State. Some people may argue that Iranian government itself, with such terrible records in justice and human rights, is a source of menace particularly for Iranians themselves and a source of tension in the region. The fact is that tensions in the region did not start with coming of Islamic Regime in Iran although Iranian government has taken advantage of such tensions to manipulate the internal affairs and also create and advance its  hegemony based on sectarian ideology. And it is true that current Iranian system has been very cruel in supression of any voice of opposition but all of this does not make any difference in the seriousness of the threat that Islamic State terrorist organization poses against the very existence of the nation. Islamic rullers of Iran have done many wrong and horrible things but their position in regards with the presence of wstern funded and supported Islamic State terrorist group in the region is wise and in direction of Iranian naional security and interests.

There are many evidences that instability in the region has been instigated and manipulated by external western powers through medling in the affairs of these nations in different covert and overt operations. Killing of Ghadhafi of Libya by NATO's American bombers in so called Libyan Revolution was nothing but direct intervention to remove a head of state in North Africa by western powers. While in Tunisia and Libya the Wstern Allies were successful in dismantling of the system in direction of their own agendas, the plans did not work in the same way in Egypt and Syria. The reversal of bringing Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt and failuer of Syrian operations under guise of Syrian freedom fighters, left no choice but bringing an old western trained terrorist group in the play and give it a new name (which seem to change once in a while too).

Chaos and instability are the keys to successful manipulation of the nations in the world when the major western powers come to the rescue in order to help them re-estblish their new life at hefty cost with many strings attached.

Some people may ask what is so different about Russians? From what we have seen in the world's events of past couple of decades, Russians have been staying away from interference in any gopolitical conflicts while west has been heavily busy in remapping of the world. Thirty years ago, nobody would ever think that there would be new countries created in Europe and yet, today, we have plenty of them! All these events were indication that where the world was heading under a new order with a single powerful nation at the top to manipulate and run the affairs of the world. Russia which was in the process of rebuilding a new political establishment to fit the modern times better, emerged as a young democracy with strength of Hercules! The most important issue with the west is that, they never changed their views of Russians from the time of Soviet Union and cold war. They never consider Russia as a worthy or trustable partner in any affairs and the short period of Russian participation in so called G8 nations, ended with bitterness of western members over Russian stance in Ukrain and rejoining of Crimea to the mainland of Russia.

Western nations and their NATO organization seem to consider their own right to interfere in the affairs of any naion anywhere in the world if those affairs are not going in direction of their liking. Imposition of sanctions on Iraq with the excuse of the suspecion over what they considered activities to obtain WMD and subsequent unprovoked attack without a mandate from UN, is clear indication that western major powers have no regards for the soveriegnty of others when it comes to use of force to advance their own agendas. Current situation in regards with Russia over Ukraine and Syria is the same with this exception that Russia is a powerful country with a huge advanced military which can afford confrontation with NATO in any area. And that is why western nations have to be extra careful not to step beyond their own limits. It is imperative also for Iranians to make sure their military is equiped with advanced weaponry and technology along with patriotism and courage to confront any threat against the nation including the presence of so called Islamic State in the area.

The events of the last few weeks has proven that western powers have no interest in removal of terrorist threat of the I.S. in Iraq or Syria because it fits their agendas to destabilize the region in direction of imposing puppet governments on different nations to serve those agendas. US government was forced to participate in a diplomatic negotiation with Russians and representatives of Syrian and Iranian governments to engage Syrian rebels in finding a political resolution for current Syrian crisis. Before attending this process, they insisted that they will continue to push for Syrian president Assad leaving the office. Appart from president Assad being a good or a bad person or leader, it is interesting to see representative of US government openly asking for another head of state in Middle East region to step down because some people with their backing do not like him as leader without considering him being "elected" by his people (obviously rigged or "under influence" election like many other places including the US but still "elected")!

One may wonder why so much love for so called "Syrian rebels" which seem that whatever they receive from US government ends up in the hands of I.S. terrorists? All of this while they claim that they are attacking I.S. targets in Iraq and Iraqi government does not believe that they do as they say! Whatever comes out of diplomatic negotiations in Vienna, United States government has made it clear that they have no intention of going with any settlement while Assad is in the office and have no interest in working with Russians or even share any information with them to remove the threat of I.S. from the region. With all of this in mind, one can tell there is no real intention to sesolve anything in the negotiation between Americans and Russians and others in Austria at this time and we can only hope that the situation does not turn into something that interprets into the biblical prophecies of upcoming great war which has been in circulation on social networks for some time.

I was about to be done with this short note that United States government declared they will be sending a group of their special forces into Syrian territory. This is definitely an action of the "die hard" kind which "American foolhardy" is written all over it! After the new Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, informed American government that Canada will take her fighters out of the operation in Iraq, we should now wait and see how far American government is willing to go in this new adventure and other than making it harder for Russians to fight against terrorists, what else is in their mind in regards with this new operation.