The New York Times: Samin Nosrat’s 10 Essential Persian Recipes

CNN: 50 of the world's best desserts [#40 is Iranian]

Food Business News: Otsuka to acquire Daiya Foods [for 325.5M (Vegan Dairy Alternatives)]

Guardian: Blue latte: the vegan coffee that smells of seaweed and contains no caffeine INVESTORS URGE FOOD COMPANIES TO SHIFT FROM MEAT TO PLANTS – REUTERS

VegNews: BREAKING: Häagen-Dazs Debuts Four Vegan Ice Creams

People: Ziggy Marley: How My Wife and I Blend Our Jamaican and Middle Eastern [Iranian/Israeli] Cultures

NY Daily News: Ben & Jerry’s debuts non-dairy line with four vegan ice cream flavors

KANW: Busted: EPA Discovers Dow Weedkiller Claim, Wants It Off The Market

BBC: Football club goes vegan in 'world first'

BBC: A taco with Middle Eastern roots

SMH: Nuclear deal makes Iranians hungry for McDonald's

NPR: House To States: Don't You Dare Demand GMO Labels

Guardian: France to force big supermarkets to give unsold food to charities Nigerian Restaurant Shut Down for Serving Human Flesh

Buzzfeed: McDonald’s Is Still Suffering, In The U.S. And Around The World

The Raw Story: Terrifying experiments are conducted on animals so that you can eat cheap, tasty meat

Guardian: How to make the perfect naan bread

Huffington Post: Top 10 Tehran Restaurants: A Culinary Journey Through Iran's Capital City

RT: Malaysian Muslims declare jihad on Cadbury over pork-laced chocolate
