“I think it is a very good question and I’m personally skeptical about this information because knowing Iran, it is very difficult to believe that anyone in Iran would try to harm US citizens by threatening their water dams.”

Above is the best the Islamist fascists –“reformers” and all- could come up with in reaction to the indictment unsealed in Federal Court charging 7  in the employ of the “government of Iran and the Revolutionary Guard” with cyber terrorism.

The skeptic above is none other than Kaveh Afrasiabi, a known U.S. based propagandist for the Islamist fascists.

The mountain of incontrovertible evidence, like the Khobar Tower where many U.S. citizens were murdered, negates the need to go into detail of the long list of all the known Islamist fascists’ terrorist operations resulting in murder of Americans and other nationalities.

However, this Kaveh Afrasiabi must be commended for his gull and temerity in lying with such straight face.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

ps. video here