Barbara Slavin is a Journalist with Islamist fascist tilted agenda. Her body of “reporting” and work with think tanks working for rapprochement with the fascists is no secret to those who care to see the truth.

In her latest article, besides downplaying the dangers of fascists’ weaponized nuke program, she dismisses the comparison between the uber-anti-Semite Islamist fascists with the Nazis, something which every single regime apologist does. And in process, she makes a historic discovery.

In dismissing the credible charge that Islamist fascists have territorial ambitions, overlooking their military presence in Syria and occupation of Southern Lebanon, just to name two of the most documented ones, she states:

“The only territory it has taken in modern times has been three small islands in the Persian Gulf — the Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa — in 1971, when Iran was still ruled by the U.S.-backed Shah.”

In other words; in Slavin’s apologetic view, forget fascists’ military activities in foreign lands, and instead focus on 3 Iranian Islands which have been part of Iran from time immemorial.