Iroon format and arrangement is totally out of whack!

The least attractive items (News links and Surveys), which also take the least amount of time to prepare, are placed at the top and take up 70% of the site's front page.

The most attractive items (Videos, Blogs, Music), which also take the most amount of time to prepare, are placed at the bottom and disappear as soon as they are posted, because of the low space allocation.

The numbers don't lie. Just look at the average visits for the top three entries of each catagory.

Videos: 1360 top 3 average visits

Blogs: 543 top 3 average visits

Music: 998 top 3 average visits

Survey: 39 top 3 avg views

News: 139 top 3 avg views

This totally discourages serious contributors to spend time and effort on items that require so much more to prepare (music, blogs, videos). It also bores and repels new viewers who chance upon the site and don't see what they find most attractive, in the front of the store (your Dokoon).

This is the worst kind of Product Placement possible, which discourages both the suppliers and the customers!