It was a mystery of some sort; it all began on April 3 of this year. Now it is a mystery no more.

Last month in a blog I said:

Gabriella is 22 months old; she went for a visit to Iran with her British-Iranian mom. Her passport is confiscated, her mom has been held captive without access to her or an attorney.

Nazanin is to spend the next 5 years in captivity, unless Britain pays the ransom like Obama did

Here is the latest news from Amnesty International:

“Iranian Revolutionary Guard officials have pressured British-Iranian charity worker Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe, a prisoner of conscience, to choose between moving her two-year-old daughter into prison with her for up to three days a week or sign a document to say that she does not want the “right to be with her young daughter”.

Above are from series of blogs about Nazanin, some of them here,  here and here

Today is the 1st. anniversary of her captivity since she was snatched by the hostage taking and warmongering Islamist fascists – “reformers” and all.

In reaction to the increasing International outcry against Nazanin’s captivity, The Islamist fascists have begun piling up extra changes on her.  

I like to remind the free world a basic fact of life in dealing with hostage takers, the more you give in to them and pay the ransom, the bolder and greedier they get.

Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.