Vox Populi:

Republished from Waging Non-Violence

As she begins a 229-day prison sentence in Germany, Catholic Worker Susan Crane talks about why she has devoted her life to resisting nuclear weapons.

As part of an international peace camp in 2018 and 2019, dozens of activists participated in nonviolent “go-ins,” or civil disobedience actions, at Büchel Air Force base in southwestern Germany. One of the participants in six of these actions was Susan Crane, who is now 80 years old. She and others were able to get inside the base and even climb atop earthen bunkers used to store both nuclear weapons and German Tornado fighter jets.

Soldiers at the base routinely train to drop the U.S. H-bombs on targets in Russia, most provocatively this winter in an operation called “Steadfast Defender 24,” which was launched in the midst of Russia’s war in Ukraine.

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