As the number of returning body bags suggests, the military operation code named “exacting revenge” is not working out the way its name suggests.

Although mounting coffins are becoming harder and harder to deny the fact, by calling their combat units “frontline advisors” the Islamist fascists –reformers” and all- continue their pretence of not having boots on the ground in Syria fighting to save murderous Assad regime.

Under the air cover of Putin’s air force, the combined ground forces of Islamist fascists, their Lebanese terrorist house boy Hezbollah and the remnants of savage Battist Syrian Army are fighting mainly anti-Assad Free-Syrian Army.

While Islamist Fascists’ military incursion into Yemen is all but defeated, Syria is shaping up to be the Islamist fascists’ Vietnam.

In the attached video, a brave Iranian lady in Tehran is chastising Islamist fascists’ defense Minister, “General Dehghan”, who in a Television interview promised all that it takes in money and military forces to be spent in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Palestine.

Obama’s legacy nuke deal with the Islamist Führer is on schedule to release upwards of $100 billion dollars to the warmongers in Tehran.  


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Ps. please note the total silence of the lovely anti-war peaceniks, including Iranian lefties and activists of the Islamist fascist - “reformers” and all - residing in the free world, who only oppose American wars.