khoshdel 's Recent Blogs
A strong Israel
khoshdel | 7 years ago
15 804
It's A Bird... It's A Plane... It's Superman
khoshdel | 7 years ago
1 807
Protesters hauled out after interrupting Blinken's press briefing
Faramarz | 9 hours ago
0 16
Category: None
Ex-hostage Louis Arnaud Describes Harrowing 2-year Ordeal in Iran
Faramarz | 15 hours ago
0 41
Category: None
I'm still confused why a "revolutionary" like you that from time to time hints of his dislike for religion has such a hard-on for Isreal! Is it because your heart bleeds for the Plas? Say it isn't so....
Where does religion fit in here?... The Israeli-Palestinian question is not about a religious conflict.
What does the strength of Israel have to do with that BS meehan of yours? It's an international issue at most, and not a business of Iranian jew haters.
For as long as Palestinians have not dropped the destruction of Israel from their tenet, Israel will not return to the pre-1967 borders. And that's a fair deal.
You are wrong on both counts... and you know it, baba mehri...
In spite of your gondeh goozi, khosham miyad ke kam miyari...your lingo shows it.
would you please explain one thing, though?...How could an international issue, as you call it, be irrelevant to our homeland?
International it is, but you guys have bigger mouths than any other nation, when it comes to Israel and Jews.
Your homeland is a cesspool of poverty, prostitution, and murder. Stop shedding croc tears for others! No one believes you.
Isn't it your homeland?... I wait as long as it takes to hear your best answer, void of childish name calling and baseless labeling...
Off Your medications again???
Baba Khosh khosh joon,
The world is coming to an end and there is chaos everywhere you look...Get your head out of your royal laurels of irrelevant and mundane and mediocre and worthless issues
and embrace the realities.
Akhe Eye Love you tooo mushhh....
Explain something : Isreal has a population of what 5 to 6 million out of which is 20% of them are moslem . To stretch beyond their existing borders to Persian Gulf (Ok I admit if they could they would its human nature!) , they would require much larger population of jews to dominate and assimilate others. On top of that they want their country to be Jewish which means they are not going to breed with gentiles! so how can they achieve this goal? last I checked there are not millions of Jews around the world to begin with much less all wanting to migrate to Israel.
To be against "Imperialism" and claim to be "Persian" is an oxymoron
therefore Khoshdel cannot be an Iranian with such anti imperialistic claims ... he is probably a be hovyat Iranian born in one of the Soviet States under Stalin and which probably belonged to Iran. So he is indeed a Bee Hovyat in the lines that Faramarz is American before being Iranian.
Besides Palestine like the rest of the middle east were Persian Satrapis
so regardless of the frontiers of 1947 all these territories historically belong to us !
Why The Persians Should Be The Good Guys In '300'
Besides The Palestinians should pay reperations and apologize to the Iranian nation for their support for the second Arab invasion of Iran known as the Islamic Revolution :
Yasser Arafat Hails Iranian Revolution
Hence I suggest that the Satrapi of Palestine to pay the most taxes to the future Monarch of the greater Persian Empire or be reduced to ashes as Carthage was by the Romans ! (sic)
The unquetionable distinction between Jews and Zionists has to be respected all the time. Zionists are Jews' most dangerous enemies today... And... Numbers and the vastness of populations don't necessarily translate into dominance. I'm sure you know better.
The most salient distinction between the Jews and the Zionists is that the former wants to do the Plastinians without lubricant whereas the latter wants to apply some!!!
In Iran, 2 groups specifically wage war on Israel, even to the detriment of the country - the ruling Shi'tes and the traditional bolshviks.
All that Zionism and Palesrinian stuff are just BS. For them, it's now like another hemorrhoid. It keeps itching them with no preparation H in horizon.