Fesenjoon_The_Great 's Recent Photos
I am your God, bow to me
Fesenjoon_The_Great | 6 years ago
0 750
Jashne Takleef
Fesenjoon_The_Great | 6 years ago
0 713
Once upon a time...
Fesenjoon_The_Great | 6 years ago
1 690
US public media faces defunding threat as NPR, PBS testify before congress
Viroon | 6 hours ago
0 35
Category: None
Ron Paul: US Intel: Iran Is NOT Building A Nuclear Weapon (So Why Are We Threatening Them?)
Viroon | 6 hours ago
0 38
Category: None
Only if I may... Once upon a time we had to correct kharejiaa... "It's ear-run, and not eye-ran, Sir"... and "no we don't ride on camels, Madame"... as well as, "Oh, of course Sir, we have a parliament too" (chakhaanaki)... things like that...