Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1275
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1251
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1105
China: Why Is Xi's Meeting With Ma, Entrepreneurs Important?
Viroon | 18 hours ago
0 43
Category: None
European leaders meet for crisis summit on Ukraine war | BBC News
Viroon | 18 hours ago
0 45
Category: None
Iranian left were simply destroyed by mullah's through mass executitions. Tiny minority survived and they are all old and gray and live off the fat of the land sort o speak in Europe with no clout or influence so i don't know why you keep picking on them.
As for mullah's expansionist policy I think you are exaggerating , the only places they have some influence are southern lebonon with hezbollah and some shia group in souther Iraq that is all.
We all hate IRI but lets have a clear and honest perspoective about things.
Speaking of having a clear and honest perspective about things:
How about the armed interference in Yemen, incitements in Bahrain, Arabia?
How about the inroads into Africa via surrogates?
As for lefties, the Islamist fascists' entire propaganda/ lobby in the West are run by the lefties.
Speaking of double standard, one should not forget the imperialistic doctrine of expansion designed and executed by filthy, anti-Semitic, barbaric Zionists...Any remedy which addresses the malady of the IRI, only to ignore, or worse to deny the cancerous tumor of Israel beyond its legal borders of 1967 is nothing but a quackery...something like that...