A 2010 photo of Her Majesty Shahbanou Farah Pahlavi with Professor Ehsan Yarshater (Today an NIAC Supporter and not even a member of her Son's 'Shorayeh Melli' ... a pale copy of NIAC even in it's name choice but which contrary to NIAC claims vainly to want to unite Iranians against the regime ).


Interesting to see that NIAC has now even managed to recuperate Ehsan Yarshater and people who under other circumstances would have been supporters of the monarchy ...


See signature N° 73 in List of NIAC endorsements :


73 Prominent International Relations Scholars Say Iran Deal Will Help Stabilize Middle East  


It Say's alot about the Pahlavi Royals surrender in recent years to the NIAC narrative and even her Majesty's eldest son Crown Prince Reza's openly declaring his 'Jomhuryatkhah aspirations' (i.e:  pro-republican aspirations which constitutes blunt treason towards the late Shah's last will and the Constitution he upheld) without even giving a fight to the dismay and justified anger of his genuine monarchist constituency. 


My Related Blog dated :

A LIFE DEDICATED TO IRAN's CULTURE: Dr. Ehsan Yarshater 90th Birthday Celebrated at ISIS (May 30th, 2010)