The Events in Ukraine prompted a pavlovian reaction from NIAC founder and president Trita Parsi who Referred to an article from the Israeli Newspaper Haaretz reporting that a Ukrainian Rabbi was asking Jews to flee Ukraine .

Was this a sudden concern for the predicament of Ukranian Jews by the Swedish Iranian Lobbyist who holds only a Green Card but has become the self proclaimed spokesperson of the Iranian American community whose "interests" he regularly claims to defend on Russian News Networks (as here) ?  Or was it another attempt to reduce the revolution in Ukraine to a Far Right Pro Fascist "Coup" as the Putin and Pro Russian Crimeans would like to suggest ? 

Either way here is the Original Link Here ( still prevailing unless DR. Parsi decides to delete it on his twitter account ... hence why I screen captured it for the record) 

Dr. Parsi's pavlovian reaction is all the more interesting given that it puts him in contradiction with his "buddy" at Ebay Pierre Omidyar (who often sponsors and organizes debates with NIAC thanks to the Roshan Institution For Persian Studies ) who has been suspected of supporting Ukrainian revolutionaries with the help of the US government. 

pierre omidyar co-funded ukraine revolution groups with us government documents how (

True or False an allegation on Omidyar but if proven it would imply that the Ebay Tycoon is in conflict of interest with his ambition of creating an independent Media Empire:

Pierre Omidyar plunges first $50m into media venture with Glenn Greenwald (Guardian, Thursday 19 December 2013)


Related Blog on "Tweets" Gone Wrong:

DOWNTON ABBEY: Hooman Majd tweet slams ‘Iranian House Negro’ WSJ editor Sohrab Ahmari 

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Iran's Press TV claims Israeli ex-officer leads Ukraine protests

Did Ukraine sell 250 Nuclear Warheads To Iran ?