A Witness for Ezzat
By Majid Naficy
The victors write history
But the witnesses arrive
With their piercing eyes
Which have seen everything.
I want to know what happened
On January 7, 1982
Half past one in the afternoon
In Evin Prison
Ward 246
Room #6
When Raheleh, the Islamic guard
“Ezzat Tabaian with all of her belongings!
Ezzat Tabaian with all of her belongings!”
Ezzat took her empty bag
And stood at the door of the room.
She wore the same checkered shirt
Which she had at the dawn of September 19, 1981
When she left me alone in bed
To go for a meeting
And then never returned.
Thirty weeping women circled around her
And sang with Parvin:
“Tonight I have a passion...”
Then Ezzat said:
“You sang your song
And shed your tears.
Could you now for my sake
Sing the “Whiz Whiz” Rhyme?”
Tears mingled with smiles.
They all clapped
And sang the “Bad Kid” Rhyme
Which starts with this stanza:
“One day I saw a kid
And was stunned on the spot.
She gulped down a bowl of soup:
Gulp, gulp”
And ended with this stanza:
“One night I woke suddenly
I saw a camel but was not scared
Yet it rained in my bed:
Whiz, whiz.”
Then the cellmates walked with the “bad kid”
To the door of the ward
And she went toward the field of her execution.
At seven o’clock in the evening
A barrage of bullets was heard
From the hills behind the Prison
Like the dropping of a load of iron.
Then the cellmates in the emptyness of their room
Counted the number of single shots
Which exceeded fifty.
They sobbed loudly.
My good Ezzat!
Get up! Get up!
Get up from the Cemetery of the Infidels!
A witness has arrived
Mitra, the Blue-Eyed,
Who carries your last gazes and words,
Kisses and steps
Like a jug of honey
On her shoulder.
Get up! Get up!
The witnesses write history.
The victors, no!
The witnesses write history.
June 11, 2020
شاهدی برای عزت
مجید نفیسی
فاتحان تاریخ را مینویسند
اما شاهدان از راه میرسند
با چشمهای نافذشان
که همه چیز را دیدهاند.
میخواهم بدانم چه گذشت
در هفده دیماه شصت
ساعت یکونیم بعدازظهر
در زندان اوین
بند دویستوچهلوشش
اتاق شمارهی شش
وقتی راحلهی پاسدار
از بلندگو گفت:
"عزت طبائیان با کلیهی وسائل!
عزت طبائیان با کلیهی وسائل!"
کیسهی تهیاش را برداشت
و کنار در اتاق ایستاد.
همان پیراهن چارخانه را به تن داشت
که در سحرگاه بیستونه شهریور,
وقتی مرا در بستر تنها گذاشت
تا سر قراری رود
و دیگر بازنگشت.
سی زن گریان
گردش حلقه زدند
و همراه با پروین خواندند:
"امشب شوری در سر دارم..."
آنگاه او گفت:
"آوازتان را خواندید
و اشکتان را ریختید
میشود حالا بخاطر من
شعر"شرشر" رابخوانید؟"
اشکها با لبخندها درآمیخت
و همه با هم دستزنان
ترانهی "بچهی بد" را دم گرفتند
که با این بند آغاز میشد:
"یک روز بچهای دیدم
سر دو پایم خشکیدم
کاسهی سوپ را سر میکشید:
فرت, فرت"
و با این بند پایان مییافت:
"یک شب از خواب پریدم
شتر دیدم, نترسیدم
ولی تو جام باران آمد:
شر, شر."
پس همبندان تا در بند
"بچهی بد" را بدرقه کردند
و او به سوی قتلگاهش رفت.
در ساعت هفت شب
صدای رگبار گلوله
از سوی تپهها برخاست
چونان فروریختن بار آهنی.
آنگاه همبندان در خالی اتاق
صدای تکتیرها را شمردند
که از پنجاه درگذشت
و هایهای گریستند.
عزت خوب من!
برخیز! برخیز!
از گورستان کافران برخیز!
شاهدی از راه رسیده
میترای چشمآبی
که آخرین نگاهها و واژهها
بوسهها و قدمهایت را
چونان کوزهی شهدی
بر دوش دارد.
برخیز! برخیز!
شاهدان تاریخ را مینویسند.
فاتحان, نه!
شاهدان تاریخ را مینویسند.
یازدهم ژوئن دوهزاروبیست
from Mohsen:
Majid jan I read this poem 2 times and once again proves that crimes of Islamic Regime
is much deeper than what we know. I will send it to friends.
from Hugh:
Thanks, Majid. Poignant and powerful. Blessings for Ezzat.
Best regards,
from Fereidoun Farahandouz:
So sad yet so pure.
from Fred:
Absolutely beautiful, majid. and i feel for you, as well!!!! i love your claim that the witnesses write the history, not the victors. Only a poet would say this this, don't you think? Only a poet can be be able to judge AND to seek and fight for meaning!
Hannah Arendt i think finally decided it was the poets more than Kant's arguments and principles upon whom judgment relied.
You ought to explore this concept more, perhaps in prose. Ezzat is dead. and for heaven's sake, your love. But your witness lives. What does that mean for the issue? So complex. So rich.
Of course perhaps more poems. But also prose.
To you!
from Mehdy:
Merci majid jan was very nice. If you could mentioned how many years that passed after her execution until one witness appeared, it would make the poem more effective.
from Sharyn:
Your grief is still so fresh and strong that I feel the pain in my heart. Yes, we should listen to those who witness!
from Jason:
This is beautiful, Majid. Thank you for sending it to me.
from Azad:
Hey Dad,
This is a very sad but beautiful poem. Thank you for sending me it. I love you.
Mitra wrote about Ezzat on her facebook on June 9, 2020 in Persian. I asked her to translate it into English. Below you may read both versions of her note. Majid
It was the first month of winter 1982, Ezzat entered Evin from joint committee (Committe Moshtarek or 3000 Prison). They sent her to room number 6 in 246 ward which I was there too. Ezzat was skinny and very delicate with short hair, beautiful smile and had sweet accent of Isfahan. She was wearing a checkered shirt and gray skirt with stretch pants which was the regular clothes of 3000 prisoners. She was very nice and friendly with gentle behavior. After a few days she was called by speaker to go out of the ward with all her stuff. We all knew she is going to leave us forever. All of us gathered around her, singing the songs with the eyes full of tears. “Tonight I have a dream so big and loud” “Tonight I have a light in my heart”…or “At the neighbor of my love, Life is beautiful, my love” in the middle of this song had to sing “I call Nesa, I call Nesa” “my dear Nesa” Nesa is a Persian female name but we switched Nesa to Ezzat. I call Ezzat…We all were standing near the door of the room with so much tears in our eyes. I was trying choked back the tears but I was looking at Ezzat and could not stop myself and was wishing at least scream out loud but was not a chance for that. But Ezzat was trying to change the atmosphere just for other prisoners. That just could arise from someone’s big heart and dignity at the last and sensitive moments of her life. She said: would you mind singing a song for me? We were looking at her and just waiting to see what she was asking. First, she smiled and told everyone not to cry anymore and said: please sing “sher sher” before I go. “Sher sher” was a childish and funny song for kids and the real name of this song is “A Bad Kid” that we were always singing together to break the heavy atmosphere in order to change everybody’s mood. One day I saw a rude kid... he shocked me terribly ….he was cleaning his hands with his pants…and the funniest part of this song was where it said: I woke up one night for a bad dream... I saw a camel... I was not scared…but my mattress got wet for the rain, sher sher sher…. Ezzat was laughing while she was singing with us. We hugged and kissed her one by one and accompanied her as slow as we could to the main door of our ward. She walked out then turned and smiled and shook her hand and left us forever.
I will never forget her beautiful smile. Ezzat tabaian was Majid Naficy’s wife from peykar organization. Several members of her husband’s family were arrested and executed before and after the revolution in 1979. Her memory will always remain with me.
دی ماه سال ۶۰ عزت را از کمیته مشترک به اوین و اتاق ما آوردند. عزت دانشجو بود دختری لاغر اندام و بسیار ظریف با موهای کوتاه، لهجه شیرین اصفهانی و لبخندی همیشه بر لب. به شدت آروم و متانت خاصی در رفتارش داشت. چند روزی از ورودش به اوین نگذشته بود که در یک بعد از ظهر ۱۷ دی ۱۳۶۰ نام او را از بلندگو خواندند که با کلیه وسایل برود. پیراهن چهارخانه پوشیده بود با دامن طوسی و شلوار گرمکن مخصوص کمیته مشترک. بچهها در حالیکه اشک میریختند با صدای بغض الود ترانه میخواندند "امشب در سر شوری دارم..." "سر کوی دوست جانم..." نزدیک در اتاق ایستاده بودیم و همه آنقدر بغض در گلو داشتیم که احساس خفگی میکردیم و هر چه اشک میریختیم باز بغض در گلو تنها فریادی جگر خراش میطلبید که مجالی برایش نبود. عزت وقتی حال و روز بچهها رو دید، گفت: حالا میشه یه چیزی من بخوام بخونید؟ همه نگاهها فقط به عزت بود که میخندید و به همه میگفت گریه نکنید. گفت میشه خواهش کنم به عنوان آخرین ترانه شرر شرر و بخونید؟ شرر شرر آواز کودکانه ی بود که اغلب برای شکستن جو سنگین آنجا همه دسته جمعی میخواندیم، یه روزی یه بچه ی دیدم..همونجا سر جام خشکیدم...دستهای کثیفشو...با لباسش تمیز میکرد...قسمت بامزه این ترانه آنجا بود که میگفت یه شب من از خواب پریدم..شتر دیدم نترسیدم...ولی تو جام بارون اومد شرر شرر شرر...عزت از بچهها خواست این ترانه را بخوانند برای تغییر جو و روحیه بچه ها. خودش هم میخندید و همه باهم میخواندیم. همه او را یکی یکی در آغوش کشیدیم و بوسیدیم و با قدمهای کند را تا در اصلی بند بدرقه کردیم. نگهبان در را باز کرد وقتی عزت اخارج شد برگشت و نگاهی به ما انداخت در حالیکه لبخند میزد دستش را برایمان تکان داد و برای همیشه ما را ترک کرد.
هیچ زمان چهره خندان او و روحیه کم نظیرش رو فراموش نخواهم کرد. عزت طباییان همسر مجید نفیسی بود و وابسته به سازمان پیکار. چندین نفر از اعضائ خانواده همسرش قبل و بعد از انقلاب نیز دستگیر یا اعدام شدند یاد عزیزش همواره با ما باقی خواهد ماند
There are several versions of the "Bad Kid" song online which were sung in different political prisoners in Iran in 1980s. Here is one of them >>> here's one
Majid Naficy
from Lillian Boraks Nemetz;
Yes, “the witnesses write history”
Your poem is the witness .
Listen to poets, they know.
They, too are the witnesses.
Beautiful poem, Majid.
All the best
from Nayereh:
Majid, this is simply beautiful, poignant and thoughtful. It brought tears to my eyes. Bravo to Ezzat and to you; Love Never Dies!
Shame on those who killed so many loving activists.
I tries to post something, it did not submit.
from Nora:
Majid jaan,
Losing Ezzat and all those young, dedicated, fearless beautiful souls still hurts incredibly.
They will be forever loved and remembered.