fozolie 's Recent Blogs
The Pandemic in Iroon
fozolie | 5 years ago
0 396
Will Bojo or Corbyn be the British Mossadegholsaltaneh?
fozolie | 5 years ago
0 595
The Absurdity of Iroon in one Picture
fozolie | 5 years ago
4 554
The Shahid Bagheri: Is Iran's New Aircraft Carrier a Joke...?
Viroon | 20 hours ago
0 43
Category: None
Iran distances itself from Houthi rebels after US strikes on Yemen | ABC NEWS
Viroon | 20 hours ago
0 35
Category: None
From where I stand, it appears dastebill has directives from his boss, Ali Khaye-many, and his boss's boss, Velad Putin, to use this site for pro regime and anti America propaganda!!!
I thought he had regressed to NIAC! I did not realize it was the lure of Mollah KAAAAASH!
This is what I am getting from this site.
A. Support Obam's deal (2015), so the mullahs can stay on power longer and also can have access to atomic bomb by next few years, so they can wipe Israel off the map. At the same time constatanly write blogs against Trump and call him racist becasue he is the only American president who is standing firmly against Mullahs in Iran.
B. Don't say anything against Mullahs' violent behavior in Persian Gulf or their terrorist acitivites around the world because any attemep to remove mullahs from power results in discrimination, and hate against Iranians in America.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
You are 110% correct!!!