maziar58 's Recent Blogs
maziar58 | 11 years ago
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The Shahid Bagheri: Is Iran's New Aircraft Carrier a Joke...?
Viroon | 20 hours ago
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Iran distances itself from Houthi rebels after US strikes on Yemen | ABC NEWS
Viroon | 20 hours ago
0 35
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It's your dearly late father's retirement, not yours, and your dear mother probably needs it. Send your mother the same money for life, and then you can brag about your defiance before, dis, and dat over here. :-)
Sorry to hear about your father Maziar jaan. I had a similar experience with a property belonging to my deceased grandparents. They wanted me to do all kinds of powers of attorney from here. I went ahead and did it for the sake of the people involved. I actually took a day off, drove down to IR's "laneh'ye jasoosi" in DC and got it done.
Sorry for your loss Maziar, may he rest in peace.
Condolences. We've all been there - or will be there someday. It is never easy to lose a parent and I am sorry for your loss. The national card is an attempt for the regime to know and keep track of everyone inside and outside Iran. These cockroaches have a "grand" plan for Iran and it does not look good for Iranians.
To clarify my thoughts to one of the coments made here...
No Sir It's not called defiance And Unfortunately There is no way Legally And Logically For me to send $ $ 555.00 Monthly to Iran.
I hate them for Bringing My motherland to these point in our life
For that and many other reasons; I'm not going to chip in
They're Dead for me And Let them know I'm dead for them Too!
I'm just an Iranian .
But then if your mother does not collect your dad's retirement money surely it WILL GO into their pockets.
WHY should they get any richer.
In regard to know every one, IRI can buy list of Iranians from other sources. In fact, long term, your mother and you could be the losers. Because for most things in Iran you need card melli anyway (e.g. if you have a problem with your ID, etc).
Maziar jaan go to daftar and get it done, it's not worthed and I don't know but it appears your mother needs the money which is rightfully hers. Although, I don't know why they want your information, your information is only good for inheritance and division between the family but the retirement goes only to the spouse and nothing else should be needed.