Iran International:

Iran’s former president Mohammad Khatami has highlighted the "unprecedented" absence of 60% of the electorate in Friday’s presidential election, stressing that dissatisfaction extends beyond just the non-voters.

“This act is a clear sign of the public's dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and indicates the majority's discontent with the ruling system,” said Khatami. “The dissatisfaction is not limited to those who abstained from voting; many of those who did participate are also dissatisfied and voted in the hope of change."

Khatami stressed the importance of everyone participating in the second stage of the elections on July 5 to “complete the unfinished task.” He warned that abstaining could lead to the victory of an "approach harmful to the nation.”

The formerly popular reformist president announced his intention to vote for Masoud Pezeshkian, the sole reform-leaning candidate, and urged others to do the same.

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