The reason a pretty woman's head was chopped in France was rage, a rage spewed in horrible economic inequality where starvation (have you ever been that hungry?) was real and worse for its contrast with the obscene amount spent on sparkly rocks to be shown off on lead powdered necks. If you've been to the heart of France, that is the Paris of hustle, you might have wondered if the new inequality of wealth can bring about another bloody affair. After all, France is the supreme exporter of luxury goods. LVMH sells upward of 20 billion euros of five thousand euros Chanel jerseys, two thousand Moet or Signet bottles, perfumes, bag or a luggage that thieves target for itself instead of what's inside. All that logo based merchandise makes for a very rich upper class hording most of the money, while life is pretty unnavigable for the majority of the population, be it rent, taxes, food, heating or union dues. The struggle has gotten much worse since the Covid shutdowns.

So, is another revolution in the works? No. All you need is hate, not directed at the one percent, but channeled and whipped at the first or second or third generation of migrants stacked vertically in those cement towers in the far suburbs. Paris was grandest during La Belle Epoque at the end of the nineteenth century, where poor migrants and artists (Picasso, Van Gogh, Tosti, Salman, Lehar, Nijinsky) from all over Europe could live cheaply and produce wonderful works of art. Surely Africans with their rich heritage in music, storytelling, dance, decorative and plastic arts, sculpture, cuisine, mythology, literature, demonology, breathtakingly beautiful women and the occult, are worthy replacements for a new Epoque? But not if they can be scapegoats. A new fascist regime is not only not the solution, but the actual cause of the explosive atmosphere of crime and poverty that elites easily exploit.
