American soldiers in vietnam were professional wariers, believing they were doing something good. American soldiers in vietnam never would kill and american.
Ayatollahs mercenaries in Syria are a cowardly bunch, in syria for a reported $1,500/month. They are brave at killing unarmed Iranians, and absolute cowards dealing with a bunch of ISIS terrorists.
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IRI elite warriors are dropping like MAGGASS. ...! Syrian fighters are more effective than maggass kosh PIFF POFF!
Not a fair comparison.
American soldiers in vietnam were professional wariers, believing they were doing something good. American soldiers in vietnam never would kill and american.
Ayatollahs mercenaries in Syria are a cowardly bunch, in syria for a reported $1,500/month. They are brave at killing unarmed Iranians, and absolute cowards dealing with a bunch of ISIS terrorists.