Despite setbacks in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria in recent months, elements of the Iran-led ‘Axis of Resistance’ are propagating losses as victories. Some political leaders of the alliance network are entrenched in a state of denial, multiple Iranian, Iraqi and Lebanese political and military sources said in interviews with, portraying a reluctance to engage in a thorough evaluation of the phases that have been traversed and the factors that have led to the current situation.
"The widespread confusion currently afflicting the ‘Axis of Resistance’ does not bode well,” a Lebanese political source who preferred that his name be withheld lamented, “The current indicators point to an overarching sense of fragmentation, despite significant efforts to project an image of cohesion.” The cause of this fragmentation, the source argued, “Stems from a deep-rooted denial within the political mentality of the Axis and its refusal to acknowledge the significant losses the network has sustained since October 7.”
But while some may grapple with how to approach the setbacks, there is vibrant internal debate among other components of the Axis. Speaking on condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the topic, another well-informed Lebanese source said Hezbollah is now mired in serious discussion of its internal, domestic, and regional status. Notably, the same debate about the group is also being held among its foreign allies—suggesting that soulsearching on at least some levels is underway.
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