The much dreaded Islamicus Republicus Neanderthales is the closest surviving descendant of the now extinict Neanderthal.  Their primamry habitat is in the Iranian plateau, where they have dominated the enviroment for the past 34 years, have roamed freely and have caused the near extinction of much of the other human species.  There are several signs by which Islamicus Republicus Neanderthales can be identified.  Here are some of them:

1. Large stomach hanging over their mid-section (consequence of lack of activity and huge amounts of their preferred diet, chelo kabab);

2. Ill fittng suits, with the sleeves coming down to the base of their thumbs;

3. Facial hair of varying degrees;

4. Peculiar smell, resulting from their phobia of water;

5. The female of the species is completely covered in a thin, black membrane and always trails the male species by at least ten steps.  The scientific name of the female species is Neaderthales Zai'fehes.   

6. Psychotic look in their eyes.  This should be taken very seriously, as these creatures have a history of attacking their victims with deadly force using whatever tool they can get their hands on, from firearms to clubs and chains.

If you're lucky enough, you may be able to catch one of these creatures in its daily routin of "arbadeh keshi," which is akin to other primates' mating calls.  Here's one such example.