RP's Globalist Agenda opened the Pandora Box for these bastards early on when he questioned the legitimacy of the 1906 Constitution against his own father's last will.
So it is precisely the RP you admire so much who by refusing to stand his ground by remaining loyal to the 1906 Constitution who is at the heart of the problem you claim to denounce !
How Funny and Ironic to see you make this comment :
"In an attempt to confront the expansionism of the warmongering Islamist fascists, some foreign powers are throwing money at balkanization of Iran, or as the late Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi warned, making Iranistan out of Iran."
Iranistan the late Shah Warned against is precisely what RP has managed to advocate
I have followed his actions day by day for the past 15 years
HE was meeting all these dubious organizations in a bid to create his fragile alliance as here in 2010:
By questioning the legitimacy of the 1906 Constitution you opened the Pandora Box you are seeing today and which RP and his clueless and reckless likeminds have ultimately empowered !
Only to now come and claim it is not a problem
And then you have the audacity to criticize Omid Dana who has been warning about the consequences of RP flirting with Saudis and Israelis in the context of today's middle east turmoil ?
Mollas are flexible beasts! They would approve, comply, and assist in partitioning the greater Iran provided that they rule and control every single piece themselves! They are what is known as maximalist minimalist i.e., derived from maxmin algorithm!
Actually foreign powers agenda of Balkanization of Iran is nothing new and its part of a broader globalization scheme by shady people going back at least fifty plus years if not more, the only difference is there was a capable man (Shah of Iran) who fought right and left and finally become a victim of these forces who are now flexing their muscles openly thanks to intenet and open support from U.S, Israel, Saudi,etc.
when you also have an idiot who nullifies 1906 constitution( that ironically gives him legitimacy) by his own words and start hanging around with separatists that does not help unity much either!
Finaly it is also interesting that our cultural, natural, spiritual, ally Israel that by all accounts loves us like a hot bread is providing support to separatists.
Lets just say With friend like these who needs an enemy!
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RP's Globalist Agenda opened the Pandora Box for these bastards early on when he questioned the legitimacy of the 1906 Constitution against his own father's last will.
RP gathers constitutional Party of Iran and suggests that Federalism can an option should be left to open debate ( 2009)
I recall how it shocked Daryoush Homayoun.
So it is precisely the RP you admire so much who by refusing to stand his ground by remaining loyal to the 1906 Constitution who is at the heart of the problem you claim to denounce !
Reza Pahlavi's message on the Anniversary of the 1906 Constitutional Revolution in Iran
Another of his Koseh Shers for the gullible Iranians abroad :
Reza Pahlavi | Monarchy or Republic | Oxford Union
It is said Reza Pahlavi has had a hand in the greenhouse effect as well.
Don't give me that Crap Fred !
You and your Jomhurykhah Likeminds know perfectly what I mean !
You guys jumped on the Reformist Bandwagon while claiming you are against them
You consider the likes of NIAC Maziar Bahari and MAssih Alinejad both of whom are Anti Monarchists as your allies.
You cannot wipe 38 years of monarchist opposition so conveniently by pretending RP is such a wise guy to have done what he has done KNOWINGLY !
He Isn't !
HE knew the political consequences of his relinquishing the Crown and the bitter divisions he created ALL BY HIMSELF !
All because he is both dishonest, Lazy and utlimately a Coward both intellectually and physically !
He is No Shahriar Shafig or Azadeh Shafigh with balls and integrity !
How Funny and Ironic to see you make this comment :
"In an attempt to confront the expansionism of the warmongering Islamist fascists, some foreign powers are throwing money at balkanization of Iran, or as the late Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi warned, making Iranistan out of Iran."
Iranistan the late Shah Warned against is precisely what RP has managed to advocate
I have followed his actions day by day for the past 15 years
HE was meeting all these dubious organizations in a bid to create his fragile alliance as here in 2010:
Statement Of Secretariat of Reza Pahlavi of Iran On Meeting with the Kurdish National Congress of North America (KNC-NA)
So you guys are fooling nobody !
By questioning the legitimacy of the 1906 Constitution you opened the Pandora Box you are seeing today and which RP and his clueless and reckless likeminds have ultimately empowered !
Only to now come and claim it is not a problem
And then you have the audacity to criticize Omid Dana who has been warning about the consequences of RP flirting with Saudis and Israelis in the context of today's middle east turmoil ?
Israel's prime minister backs Kurdish independence (Guardian)
How Amateurish of you guys and pseudo opposition !
You are JUST coming to terms with what we predicted EARLY ON !
I know you’re angry with Reza Pahlavi, but I hope that does not lead up to using the kind of language and assumptions unbecoming of you.
Mollas are flexible beasts! They would approve, comply, and assist in partitioning the greater Iran provided that they rule and control every single piece themselves! They are what is known as maximalist minimalist i.e., derived from maxmin algorithm!
Actually foreign powers agenda of Balkanization of Iran is nothing new and its part of a broader globalization scheme by shady people going back at least fifty plus years if not more, the only difference is there was a capable man (Shah of Iran) who fought right and left and finally become a victim of these forces who are now flexing their muscles openly thanks to intenet and open support from U.S, Israel, Saudi,etc.
when you also have an idiot who nullifies 1906 constitution( that ironically gives him legitimacy) by his own words and start hanging around with separatists that does not help unity much either!
Finaly it is also interesting that our cultural, natural, spiritual, ally Israel that by all accounts loves us like a hot bread is providing support to separatists.
Lets just say With friend like these who needs an enemy!