There are many variations of it; this one is as good as others:

“You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.”

It seems the 38 rule of the warmongering Islamist fascists – “reformers” and all in Iran has given carte blanche to foreign-paid Iran separatists to have their own alternative facts.

One of those alternative facts that these separatists base their entire being on is the presence of a nasty tribe called Persians, who suppress and oppress non-Persians in Iran.

Aside other problems the separatist have with their alternative facts, the “South Azerbaijan” separatist lovelies have a particular factual hurdle to overcome. That is, as his name implies, the absolute, lifetime Führer of the Islamist fascists was born in Azerbaijan and his mother tongue is also Azari dialect.

In an attempt to confront the expansionism of the warmongering Islamist fascists, some foreign powers are throwing money at balkanization of Iran, or as the late Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi warned, making Iranistan out of Iran.

Lets hope, the farsighted policy makers in those countries realize this short-sighted policy is the best gift to the Islamist fascist, who love to play the nationalist card.


Sanction works, U.S. Senate, get to it.

Hudson Institute's discovery of the "Persian Shia" among Iran's mosaic must be congratulated: