My electronic drawings and paintings regarding Hafiz the very begining poem in his Divan :


1) ARISE,oh Cup-bearer,rice I and bring To lips that are thirsting the bowl they praise, For it seemed that love was an easy thing, But my feet have fallen on difficult ways.

2) I have prayed the wind oer my heart to fling The fragrance of musk in her hair that sleeps- In the night of her hair-yet no fragrance stays The tears of my hearts blood my sad hearts weeps.

3) Hear the Tavern-keeper who counsels you: "With wine,with red wine your prayer caprpet dye!" There was never a traveller like him but knew The ways of the road and the hostelry.

4) Where shall I rest,when the still night through Beyond thy gateway,oh heart of my heart, The bells of the camels lament and cry: "Bind up thy burden again depart "

5) The waves run hight,night is clouded with fears, And eddying whirlpools clash and roar; How shall my drowning voice strike their ears Whose light-freighted vessls have reached the shore ?

6) I sought mine own;the unsparing years Have brought me mine own,a dishonoured name. What cloak shall cover my misery oer When each jesting mouth has rehearsed my shame !

7) Oh Hafiz,seeking an end to strife, Hold fast in thy mind what the wise have weit: "If at last thou attain the desire of thy life, Cast the world aside,yea,abandon it"


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