Duos Duet

After the death of #mahsaamini, also known as Jina Amini or Zhina Amini who died in Tehran by Iran's morality police on 16th September 2022, we remembered the bloody protests of 2019.

"Paradox" is about this bloody November 2019 in Iran and the related consequences of an economic crisis, which was triggered by nepotism, mismanagement, and sanctions. Dramatic events played out on the streets all over the country, with strikes and protests erupting. Although they lasted only a few days, the mood seemed overwhelming, as if this could indeed be the end of the regime as highways were blocked and control over smaller provinces was taken. However, the power of the regime could not be broken as its response was extremely brutal, non-violent insurgents were gunned down, and soldiers fired at youngsters.

#mahsaamini -  Jina Amini - Zhina Amini - Say her name. Share her story.


Music: Niki Yaghmaee
Cello: Golsana Shenasaei
Dancers/Choreography: Joy Schenk - Julian Alescher
Producer/Director: Niki Yaghmaee
DOP/Edit: Ferdinand Will
Produced by @Duos Duet
Berlin October 2021