Yesterday I had to move out of my old room in Cusco in the morning and check into the new one in the evening. I had time to kill, so to speak, but was no expecting to watch a ritual killing.

It was Inti Raymi, the biggest day of the year. Thousands converged on the magnificient Sacsayhuamán Inca ruins above the city to watch the colorful celebrations.

Part of the ceremony involved the ritual sacrifice of a llama in a very dramatic fashion. It's not as gruesome as the slaughter of untold number of sheep and camels during the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca. But it IS intense.

All I could think of was, is this necessary? Can't the llama be pardoned like the turkey on Thanksgiving in the White House? Some cultures also used to have human sacrifices, but that has stopped, fortunately. Maybe the llamas can get a break too.

Inti, the name of the sun the Inca's worshipped, would be pleased, I'm sure.

PS: There's a possibility this might be a reenactment and the llama is not actually sacrificed. The imagery is still disturbing.

Ritual Inca animal sacrifice from Jahanshah Javid on Vimeo.