If Beauty and Hope
Joined forces
Like Greed and War
And cast their shimmering net
To bring down Time,
His sickle of death falling,
His hourglass already down
In this town by the sea,
If it was profitable?
Why is it not?
Not hard to sell both
If they could be playful
For just this once
Open up Heaven
Like a crusty loaf
And throw a Saturnian orgy
Of unparalleled joy and youth?
They sit in front of us
One lets down her ray of gold,
Extends her hand to play
with the other's short cut,
Drumming the Flaminco
And laughing at this thought,
Obviously wide eyed,
Therefore in absolute love,
Their past blurry as absinthe
To us evading the news,
The future tiny
In comparison
To the infinite now.