Ardeshir Mohasses (1938-2008) was an illustrator, satirist, cartoonist and painter residing in New York. In 1967, he held his debut solo exhibitions at Qandriz Gallery Tehran, where he exhibited works that had virtually all been published in local journals over the preceding five-year period. The exhibition attracted a sizeable audience and earned him considerable praise. In 1967, he held his debut solo exhibitions at Qandriz Gallery Tehran, where he exhibited works that had virtually all been published in local journals over the preceding five-year period. The exhibition attracted a sizeable audience and earned him considerable praise. ⁠In 1972, the weekly magazine, Jeune Afrique invited him to Paris and he began to produce satirical drawings and cartoons for this journal. Through this medium, he began to develop an international reputation as a visual satirist. Within a year, he was publishing illustrations in the New York Times >>>

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