The New Yorker:

An audacious take on chocolate-chip, a pastelito-style micro-pie, and a cookie-spiked cookie.

By Helen Rosner

You deserve a cookie. We all deserve a cookie. Life is hard, easy pleasures are few and fleeting—why not have a little something sweet? Naturally, we do not want to waste our time on an unworthy cookie. As with any New York City foodstuff, you could go for established sublimity, model cookies of universally agreed-upon excellence. Call them the old guard: your gooey chocolate-chip cookies from Culture Espresso, your buttery pineapple Linzers from Té Company, the legendary black-and-white from William Greenberg (though, if we’re being honest, the version at Orwashers Bakery outperforms, on the merits). But, if you find yourself wanting something a little different, these three are, to my mind, the New York cookie new guard: fresh classics in the making.

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