After years of economic crisis, Iranians' frustration is increasingly directed at Afghan migrants. Under pressure to act, the government has now announced plans to deport 2 million Afghan refugees in the coming months.

'Iranian police chief Ahmad-Reza Radan said in the next six months, some 2 million undocumented foreigners would be deported from Iran.

Speaking to the Iranian news agency Young Journalists Club in an interview on Tuesday, Radan also said security forces and the Interior Ministry were working out measures that would deport "a considerable number of illegal foreigners" over the long term.

When Iranian officials speak of "illegal foreigners," they usually mean migrants from Afghanistan. Iran and Afghanistan share a 900-kilometer (560-mile) long border, parts of which run through inaccessible, high mountain ranges. For over 40 years, Afghans have fled to Iran to escape civil war, poverty, and, now, the Taliban.

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