Arab news sites last night reported the unveiling of the princess “Adela” the daughter of Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, the King of Saudi Arabia.

Eurones reprts about couple of other Saudi Beauties:

Two Saudi women have been detained by police for driving a car in the country’s capital Riyadh and for refusing to call their male custodians to take them home.

The women, Azza Al Shamsi and Baria Al Zubaidi, were spotted by the police as they drove the car near a shopping complex. Azza was behind the wheel, while Baria filmed the incident.”

Above is from couple of previous blogs, newest Saudi Beauty:

Malak Al Shehri photographed wearing a dark blue coat, bright multicolored long skirt and boots in Arabia’s Capital city Riyadh, the savages want to murder her for appearing in public without the forced misogynistic Hijab.

Iranian women are fighting the same battle against Islamist savages' forced Hijab every second of everyday.

Those who wish for the Islamist menace to be done with must realize ultimately it will not be by soldiers, rather, by brave souls like this Arab beauty in Arabia.


Sanction woks, U.S. Senate, get to it.