David Copperfield was a successful Iranian immigrant capitalist in California since the early 1960s. Born on July 4, 1920 and died on February 11, 2002.

His real name in the initial entry documents of the same era; Davoud Kartofil is registered. Kartofil means potato in Russian. Iranians were familiar with tomatoes and potatoes until World War II, but they did not play an important role in the diet of ordinary people. During their four-year stay in Azerbaijan during the war, the Russians developed the cultivation of these two and introduced the people to the benefits of these two foods. Daoud's father and uncles quickly guessed the future of potatoes and planted them in large numbers and developed their consumption in other provinces of Iran. Their family became known as potatoes. The story of his migration to America in the early 1960s, when many people in Iran still could not find the exact location of the United States on the world map; interesting

EO Los Angeles, which is the organization of entrepreneurs of Los Angeles and Daoud is one of its old members, always asked its old and successful members to show the way to success to the young people with their speeches in order to get to know the young generation of entrepreneurs and investors. David Copperfield resisted this request for many years, but finally in 2000, when his membership history reached forty years, he could no longer resist. It was decided to reveal the secret of his success to everyone, especially the young generation, using PowerPoint slides.

After years of living in the United States, David's accent tastes just like the descendants of Eastern European gypsies. There were no signs of California capitalists and entrepreneurs in his presence and he had a rough accent.

 In summary, on the promised night, the board of directors of the meeting, according to the existing traditions, read a brilliant biography of David, how he has grown in the industry of tower construction and construction and urban planning in California and neighboring states and has now turned the David Copperfield brand into a valuable asset in the stock market.

The chairman reminded that according to the existing traditions, only half an hour is available to the speaker and one hour is dedicated to the questions and answers of the speaker.

David Copperfield started his speech with a joke, according to the common traditions in America, so that the so-called ice of the parliament melted and all the audience could easily relate to the topic.

David Copperfield made it clear at the very first speech that he has a limited number of so-called pornographic slides and the rest of his speech revolves around the same images.

David straightened his chest and while the audience was speechless in surprise, he started talking about the hero of his life, Priapus.

When he cleared his voice with a few coughs and began to speak, Priapus, whose Latin pronunciation is Priapus and Greek pronunciation of their blessed name Priapos, and the Greeks themselves call their honor Πρίαπος; He is considered the god of fertility in Greece.

Mr. Priapus, the illegitimate child of Dionysus and Aphrodite and considered a symbol of fertility in ancient Greece, has a long and large penis that is always erect. In other words, Large, Permanent Erection (LPE). The medical term Priapism entered the medical culture in his honor and refers to men who suffer from LPE following their noble ancestor Priapus always God.

 The lecture hall was filled with such a heavy silence that, as the saying goes, if a needle dropped on the ground, it would sound like a bomb. The audience was very eager to know the connection between Priapus and David Copperfield's financial progress.

When David saw the enthusiasm of the audience, he remained silent for a few minutes and then calmly sat down on an armchair and continued:

After the end of World War II, I formed a small group and worked on the construction work of repairing old houses. It was not a prosperous business, but anyway there was a group in Tehran who couldn't sell the house and buy a better one, so they did major repairs and upgraded it as they say today.

 The enthusiasm of the audience could be read from their eyes as to how David achieved this wealth. After taking a sip of water, the speaker continued: One day, a lady named Zivar Khanam, who was a famous midwife, approached me and said that she needed major repairs of her house in Dezasheb. At that time, most births took place at home under the supervision of midwives, and the tradition of going to maternity hospitals was not yet common in Iranian society... In short, I went to see the house. The schedule and the costs were known and the date of the start of the construction operation was also fixed as they say today.

The listeners were becoming more and more curious as to how all these stories related to David's current wealth. When he saw the crowd eager, he started talking calmly again and said: On the first day of work, I wanted to change my clothes and wear work clothes in the room where we had kept our tools, but Mrs. Zivar, unaware of everything, suddenly opened the door and found me naked. he saw I think, like love at first sight, he recognized that I am from the family of Priapus. He closed the door and left and was not found for a week.

At the end of the evening, when everyone was washing their hands and face to go home, Zior Khanam found her and said: Master Daoud, stay and talk about the continuation of the work and the next steps. I swallowed and got scared. Most of these conversations were about ending the budget and stopping the work... In short... I ate the tea cup he brought with fear and trembling. Mama Zivur quickly went to the main story. He made a long speech and suggested that I cooperate with Zivor in the fertility of women whose husbands are the only problems. According to their orders and discretion, I tried several consecutive trips on a barren woman. If she became pregnant, I would earn two months' wages in one day. No tax.

 In the 1940's and 1950's, I impregnated hundreds of women at Mama Zivar's home clinic. He calls my jewelry a gold mine. I remember he used to say: You can even fertilize a piece of dry wood with what you have.

In the late 1950s and at the same time as the last years of Eisenhower's presidency, I had a strange feeling that it would be better to immigrate to America with this huge wealth, according to Mama Ziver (...Karri). Now why America? I don't know myself, I thought America should be like western movies. Vast and... full of amber horses, women of Motalai and endless plains. I registered my name David Copperfield in the immigration documents. Of course, in order to accurately recognize the spelling of Copperfield, I wrote the letter F twice in a row so as not to be confused with other Copperfields.

From the moment I came here, I returned to the same industry that I knew, buying old houses; Refurbished and sold......I arrived in America I was rich, I added to my wealth here, but I will always remain grateful to Priapus.

 The audience was hesitant about clapping. After about three minutes of silence as everyone waited for the speech to end, the hall burst into applause. The chairman of the meeting congratulated David Copperfield and added that gaining wealth is a story but maintaining and increasing it is an important issue. You have shown that you have been quite successful in the last two cases, although I wish Mama Zeor was here to see how fateful her initial diagnosis of your being a gold mine was. You are probably the physiological father of many Iranian immigrants living in California.