Faramarz 's Recent Galleries
Trump's New Space Force!
Faramarz | 6 years ago
5 1231
Winners of International Trumpism Cartoon & Caricature Contest-2017
Faramarz | 7 years ago
5 2100
Firoozabadi - Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff
Faramarz | 10 years ago
8 2213
The New Yorker: The Government’s Rock Librarian
MajidNaficy | less than a minute ago
0 2
Category: None
The New Yorker: Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Fight the Oligarchy
MajidNaficy | 4 minutes ago
0 8
Category: None
March 25, 2025 - Jacob Heilbrunn | Gregory Treverton | Samuel Moyn
MajidNaficy | 11 minutes ago
0 6
Category: None
Osttad Faramarz Goll: please give us a clue, a caption, or something as to why these guys are making such offering gestuers...I mean are they outoffering each other as to who should enter boshkeh eshgh first...!? Where is Ali Khayehmani in this gathering? Thank you!
Inspector Jaan,
You are so right! I should have put some captions on these pictures, and I had so many ideas!
Forgive me please, and I will do it next time!
Brother Framarz.
I blame all this on those long and fat pork sausages they feed them at the cafeteria of loomoomba university of moscow.
Brother Javad,
Or those sausage Piroshkis!
Zarif and the other chap refusing to sit next to smelly Ahmaghinejad?
Zaif and the other guy shouting look look Commander! Ahmahgi is eating all your kebabs? He's about to steal the Tahdig too?!
Zarif and the other guy protesting it wasn't them who finished all the Zolbia Bamieh but it was Ahmaghi?
It is crying out to be a caption competition boys and gals.
Is an MBI of 50 or more a precondition for seniority in IRGC?
Mr./Ms. Fozolie, that's not Zarif in the front. That's Salehi dancing with Firozabadi...! Zarif is in the back room preping up Khamenei's hairy mahtat (shining it up with vajevbee...) for these guys to rub their foreheads and lips on ...!
Merci. If you click on my name you see it is Mister Fozolie. Who is the guy with Salehi doing the coordinated dance?