Vox Populi:

Early this past summer I saw posts on Instagram of Dr. Ali Tahrawi, a Gazan medical doctor actively engaged in dealing with patients harmed during the Israel-Gaza conflict. Apart from the gripping content of the pictures, the posts were accompanied by texts in English, daily accounts remarkably vivid in portraying life in Gaza since last October. Ali and I began exchanging messages and have developed a friendly online acquaintance. I asked him if he would allow me to assemble his texts into a single document, making minor clarifications in grammar, etc., and then seek publication for them. He agreed. Here are his posts.

June 24, 2024, with a picture of the doctor administering treatment to a boy wrapped in bandages.

“This severely burned child asked me for some sips of water. When I gave it to him, he said a Big Thank You. Showing how civilized and polite he is even whilst in great pain.”

July 2, 2024, with a picture of the doctor celebrating his birthday two years earlier.

“A memory of my birthday celebration with my friends, by the sea, in a nice and lovely place. Now the occupation has destroyed this place and destroyed all dreams and wishes.”

July 4, 2024, with pictures of Gaza in past years.

“The sad thing is that what happened to us makes us unable to imagine a life in which there is some joy and peace. We do not easily believe that if we survive, we will be able to live safely, freely, happily and comfortably, ever again! What makes the matter much more difficult is not the nearness of death to us, but that a decent life will difficult ever to achieve; it has become scarce even in dreams.”

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