Politik talk show host Kamiz Hosseini mocks Veteran Journalist Shahram Homayoun (Akharin Lahzeh, Ma Hastim talk show on LA Based Channel One)
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Hosseini who gained fame after the 2009 so called Green Revolution by being widely promoted on US Government funded VOA with his daily Satirical show Parazit (along with his buddy Saman Arbabi whom some of us with a good memory should recall his Pro NIAC Samanisms back in the Iranian.com hay days ) who ambitions to be the 'Iranian John Stewart' seems to have found a new "role model" : Mehran Moshiri, an actor / humorist and IRI propagandist who has gained his fame in Iran by mocking LA Based opposition TV channels over the years.
Excerpt of Mehran Modiri's show mocking Shahram Homayoun Here
Shahram Homayoun's response to Mehran Modiri's attacks Here and Here
For those who recall how widely NIAC was promoted in cyberspace shortly after it's controversial inception (ex: Jahanshah Javid's photo essay, "Good people, good work") you may also recall how Saman Arbabi ( using the pseudo Saman) attempted to whitewash NIAC's links to the IRI as "exagerated" with the following cartoon Here
Yet Monarchists often dismissed as "shahollahis" by many on Iranian.com were the only ones to rightly suspect and denounce NIAC's Pro IRI bias from the onset to deaf ears I'm afraid ...
Watch Here
But well I guess the world belongs to the Youth and "talents" like Kambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabi born after the Revolution of 1979 to allow themselves to mock and trash individuals who earned whatever fame they got thanks to their hard work and patriotism against all odds, particularly without the slightest help from the US government.
Long before the age of the internet and FB allowing safe interactions between fellow compatriots across the planet, the generation of Mr. Homayoun, Zia Atabai and other fellow compatriots were forced out of their home country after the revolution of 1979. They did not have the luxury to be welcomed like Mr. Hosseini on a Red Carpet by influential Medias like VOA Persian or BBC Persian whose only aim is to instrumentalize these young and historically ignorant TV anchors to other far more dubious purposes than merely "amusing" their viewers.
On the contrary the likes of Homayoun had to survive in exile and work their way up whilst trying with little means at their disposal to put up community run TV's in a highly competitive medium in a land of exile and a state like California where they in their own right were faced with racism and prejudice. Professional and independent journalists like Homayoun had to operate when Iranian expats suspected one another amidst political assasinations of their fellow colleagues ( Who remembers Fereidoun Farrokhzad today ? ) and do what they could to try and mobilize public opinion and their community back home on the true and treacherous nature of the Islamic Republic.
The Generation which followed either in exile or back home speak from the vantage point of youth but certainly not wisdom. They are not genuine exiles let alone expats ... they are "Tourists" at best who barely understand the challenges faced by the first generation of exiled Iranians nor were they ever faced with the same struggles which they self righteously think they are qualified to judge from their High Horse.
It takes more than just a "cool" setting and "copy cat" formatted programs from Western Medias just to come across as a "genuine".
The Likes of Shahram Homayoun, Zia Atabay and countless other TV personalities who in their own right but with mixed results have tried to keep the flame of resistance and patriotism alive may not be as "talented" or "amusing" or "witty" as some of our young generation of upstart TV personalities but they have what less and less Iranian Expats have: A MEMORY !
As such despite all their shortcomings and lack of support the likes of Homayoun don't need to be 'Wannabes' to exist in the public mind and hearts ...
For They ARE what YOU AREN'T :
MA HASTEEM: Sun & Lion break in L.A.'s Forum @ Freestyle Wrestling World Cup
à Bon Entendeur Salut !
Darius Kadivar
22nd of April, 2014 Paris, France
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I love how DK, the Parisian, attacks Iranian expats, while completely forgetting how much of an expat he truly is. A delusional person has no right to criticize others as being delusional.
DK, I think you said it best in this paragraph (below). A lot of it is a generational issue though: these are kids born after 1979 fiasco, with no memory of the past. what they know is from what they heard through IRI propaganda machine day in day out. Their experience in not our experience and vise versa. Best thing to do is not to take them seriously.
"The Generation which followed either in exile or back home speak from the vantage point of youth but certainly not wisdom. They are not genuine exiles let alone expats ... they are "Tourists" at best who barely understand the challenges faced by the first generation of exiled Iranians nor were they ever faced with the same struggles which they self righteously think they are qualified to judge from their High Horse. "
DK for once we see eye to eye, his mocking of Mr. Homayoon was lame and binamak!