On a first glance, Notes From the Underground seems to be a short/small book, but even after reading a few pages, I was already blown away by its greatness! 


Incredibly modern for its time: I could see how inspiring this book might have been to Kafka and to many important existentialist thinkers of the 20th century, such as Sartre and Camus.


I especially loved the first part: Dostoyevsky knows how to penetrate deep into the human soul (even though I don't believe in souls) and, in words, describes the human condition. He opens the eyes of his readers to a world where its darkness can blind one's sight forever, and still...You keep reading, even if you can't keep reading. This is not an easy read and yet, you can't escape from temptation.  


There are books that change you, maybe because of a particular character, or even just a single sentence. The books you’d never forget; books that make up your nostalgia; they are a piece of your youth; something unforgettable. And then…there are books that not only touch their readers, but they become part of history; an important milestone; they change every writer who comes after them and change the whole path of literature. The irony is that most of their writers had no clue about the importance of their work!    


Notes From Underground, for sure, is one of these books. Dostoyevsky, for sure, is one of those writers.


I would definitely recommend this book to any literature-obsessed-mind!