MajidNaficy 's Recent Blogs
Five Hijabless Poems
MajidNaficy | 8 days ago
1 164
When My Life Was Tied to a Wind
MajidNaficy | 17 days ago
3 300
Four Parts of One Elegy: For the Anniversary of 1979 Revolution
MajidNaficy | one month ago
0 486
Trump orders strikes on Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen | DW News
Viroon | 16 hours ago
0 44
Category: None
from Naomi Shihab Nye:
How long human beings go on repeating the same sorrows. Being cruel to one another.
How long. Long overdue, big change. Sharing the sorrow.
from P. N.: "Hi Majid,who is Eric Garner? The guy couldn't breath was George Floyd."
Majid Naficy replies: "I wrote this poem for Eric Garner six years ago and it is unfortunately as relevant today for George Floyd as it was for Eric Garner yesterday and definitely will be the same tomorrow as well."
from Sharyn:
So poignantly powerful, it arouses deep anger, as well as sadness. Thanks, Majid!
from Moin:
Hi Aziz jaan,
I was waiting for this poem.
from Mohsen:
Majid Jan very touching poem.
from Reza Moini:
Thank you Majid Aziz, I proudly forwarded it to many friends.
Sorry I did not remember you have composed this title 6 years ago.
from Mo H Said:
Inspired by your poem this is mine:
I Can’t Breathe
I hear his voice from the black tarmac
I shout, Relax, shut your mouth
I press my knee harder against his neck
He is mumbling the words
Plea s e. P l e a s e…. P l e a s e.
The world stops spinning
For the man who tries to inhale air
The man who has become unconscious
Who wanted to utter the words
I can’t breathe―once more.
It has been a short eight minutes
Since I am holding the man on the ground
No more word comes out from his cracked lips
A bleeding nose, pressed mouth
Three other police are watching the show.
He is calm. He is flat on the ground
Give me your hand, men
They carry him to the flashing car nearby.
They haul another lamb
To the slaughterhouse.
Mo H Saidi, MD, ALM
Author, Esther and the Genius
from Elahe :
Thank you Majid jaan. I tweet the poem.
from Lillian Boraks Nemetz:
Dear Majid
Your amazing poem really moved me. I could feel myself choking only with Emotion . How perceptive of you. After I read your poem I wrote The one below this very morning, Thank you for being my Muse,
The Arm
Today I am George Floyd
I am a Jew
so I know how it feels
To be stifled
By the arm of hate
That extends toward anyone
Who is different in color
Culture or creed
Visible and at times invisible
It reaches towards your neck
With a strangulating purpose
It can also reach your brain
And smother it with an imprint
Of fear injustice and grief
It can end your life
In its predatory sweep
To grab what it wants to destroy
The vile arm multiplies
Like a viral cell
That soon reaches the creed
Of violence and destruction
As the world burns
From loss, guilt, and disgust
May the good people of this Earth
Rise and open their arms
Far and wide to release
Love, kindness, and justice for all
Because today each one of us
Is George Floyd.
Lillian Boraks-Nemetz
June 3, 2020
from Nora:
And yet the savagery continues in our supposedly civilized world! Thanks for writing this poem then and thanks for republishing it now!
from Ezat Mossallanejad:
Thank you Dr. Naficy; it was wonderful. It is always pleasure hearing from you.