With passage of time more evidence emerges as to what extend the previous administration had gone to seal the faulty Obama legacy nuke deal with the Islamist fascist Führer.   

The latest example is the publication of the classified government report disclosing U.S. clandestine action in Iran, which marks for the first time the United States officially acknowledging its clandestine role in the 1953 coup against the Iranian government led by the late Mohammad Mossadegh.

Here is how the Advisory Committee on Historical Diplomatic Documentation to the Department of State, or HAC, had criticized the Obama administration for preventing the report's release, citing an effort by the former administration to suppress this information in order to avoid upsetting Islamist fascists:

” The HAC was severely disappointed that the Department of State did not permit publication of the long-delayed Iran Retrospective volume because it judged the political environment too sensitive. The HAC was unsuccessful in its efforts to meet with Secretary Kerry to discuss the volume, and now there is no timetable for its release.”

Although the current report still holds back names of some coup participants in Iran, it officially acknowledges the active collaboration of Ayatollah Kashani, who is one of the heroes of the Islamist fascists.

This official acknowledgment of Kashani’s participation in the coup d’état, shows the duplicity of Islamist fascists and their lefty mionons becrying the operation TPAJAX.


Sanction works, U.S. House, get to it.