Vox Populi:

Unimaginably, Gazans continue to endure the atrocities of a heedless Israel: Strikes on schools that kill mostly children, polio-tainted sewage “everywhere,” catastrophic hunger, universal trauma, gutted hospitals, shattered families seeking small bodies rotting under rubble. To many, the ongoing savagery through 10 bloody months marks the moral deterioration of an Occupation increasingly acquiescent to the concept “there are certain groups of people who can be killed…They are not like us.”

While it’s tumbled off most front pages, Israel’s blithe defiance of both world censure and ICJ rulings goes on apace. This week, the U.N’s largest body of human rights experts hailed an earlier “historic” ICJ finding that Israel’s Occupation is “unlawful” and must end; they declared Palestinians’ right to “freedom from foreign military occupation, racial segregation and apartheid is absolutely non-negotiable,” adding, “Israel must stop acting as if uniquely above the law.” But that shift feels woefully distant in the wake of Netanyahu’s chilling, rabid avowal before Congress to press on until “total victory.” Meanwhile, 86% of Gaza is under ever-unrolling evacuation orders, with thousands perpetually forced to uproot; 96% of Gazans face acute food shortages, with communities “wasting away” and children “sleeping hungry” while often going up to 3 days without food; and public health experts cite the “ticking time bomb” of a polio epidemic from overflowing sewage – “The smell is killing us, we are begging to be saved from the sewers” – along with soaring cases of hepatitis, dysentery, gastrointestinal disease and skin infections.

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