If I Were a Winner
If I were a winner
I would tell my fans:
Open your arms
And embrace the people
Who have come to the street
To protest.
But now from Trump
We only hear insult.*
So we take to the street
Whether the response is a bullet
Or a smile.
Majid Naficy
November 10, 2016
* Trump’s twit: “Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting, Very unfair!”
اگر برنده بودم
اگر برنده بودم
به هواداران میگفتم:
دستها بگشائید
و مردمی را که به اعتراض
به خیابان آمدهاند
در آغوش بگیرید.
اما اینک از ترامپ
تنها دشنام میشنویم.*
پس به خیابان میآئیم
پاسخ, چه گلوله باشد
چه لبخند.
مجید نفیسی
دهم نوامبر ۲۰۱۶
* ترجمهی توئیتی از ترامپ: "جخت انتخاباتی بسیار باز و موفقیتآمیز برای ریاست جمهوری داشتیم. حالا اعتراضکنانِحرفهای به تحریک رسانهها دست به اعتراض زدهاند. چه بسیار غیرمنصفانه!"
From an American poet: "Wow...powerful poem. Thanks for sharing."
From an Iranian exile: "Salam Majid jaan, Thanks. We had to leave Iran for Islamic republic and now better go on streets and resist Trump. What a tragedy."
From an American author: "Yes Majid, I took to the streets today as well... thank you for your timely poem. We chanted WATER IS LIFE. And KEEP THE OIL IN THE SOIL. No Dakota Access Pipeline. The fossil fuel industry is taking its last stand and they have us by the throat. I believe people will stand up to this. I hope. You have been through this, something worse, but who knows? No one thought it could happen in America. (Though maybe Philip Roth did in THE PLOT AGAINST AMERICA, imagining if Lindbergh won...). Love and in solidarity..."