Fred 's Recent Blogs
Iranians, hate & Israel tide / video
Fred | 5 years ago
4 1275
Thank you Trump/video
Fred | 5 years ago
11 1251
Misogynist Western women against Iranian women /video
Fred | 5 years ago
2 1105
‘Global order is unravelling’ as US turns its back on Europe
Viroon | 20 hours ago
0 57
Category: None
"We are hostages to our own hostages" – Reza Pahlavi on the West’s failed Iran policy
Viroon | 20 hours ago
0 40
Category: None
"Will the sanction not only ban the export of chlorine, but also boost the export of civility to Iran?"... I keep diving into these kindsa questions...
Mini_joon, are you off your meds again? A nation of 75 million can't manufacture any chlorine and depends on imports? These are the same guys with the "indigenous space program" and "indigenous military", but sanctions keep chlorine out of the kiddy pool?
I think all that Marxism-Leninism is rotting your brain, Comrade (lol)
Btw, might this explain the tendency of Islamists (particularly those "diplomats" posted to Brazil) to fondle and molest children in pools? I seem to recall such an incident a few years back....
In fairness, the 7th century WAS "culturally different" from the 21st century.
You are referring to "senior diplomat" HekmatAllah Ghorbaani, who claimed "cultural differences" for his molesting children in the pool.
Gender mix is the death knell of IR. They will never allow it.
For the leaders and representative of stricltly islamic coutries watching these scenes is like being in the olympics. That is what they have lived for all their lives.