Dinner last night with friends got me thinking about my state of vegetarianism!  The questioning almost got me thinking I was doing something wrong!!!  Questions such as, now why then am I wearing leather shoes (so I explain that I had the leather shoes from before I became a vegetarian and that I am planning on getting rid of all my leather good eventually).  Another question was whether or not I feed my children animals (which I answered so far yes, but I am making them conscious of thinking about becoming vegetarians too eventually).  Other questions were why do I eat eggs?  Do I eat dairy? Why don't I eat fish?  Don't I know about the chain of hierarchy (or something to that stupid effect), etc. etc..  

So silly.  I didn't bother them about eating animals.  I just don't want to eat animals.  If they start to ask I am going to give them my opinion, which is basically I think it is ethically not correct to eat animals for many reasons.
Then I thought today, maybe those who eat animals are doing something wrong NOT ME!!!  I mean, those who eat animals without a conscious thought of how they are killed and sold for eating.  Does it ever cross the mind of animal eaters at  meals about if it is fair or not that they are eating an animal that once lived?  Or, is it really fair to raise animals in unnatural habitats, inject them with drugs for various reasons, then kill them and eat them?
Obviously, we don't have to eat animals to be healthy.  There are plenty of healthy vegetarian meals that are even better for us than a meal with animals.
I say animals instead of meat because really that's what we are doing, eating animals.  Why call it meat, or beef, veal, poultry, pork, venison, etc.?  Is it so that there is no bad feelings about what is actually being eaten?? 
Anyway, I have not been a vegetarian for a long time, but I always wanted to be one.  Now, mentally  I feel very satisfied and at peace.  I hope that people will eventually stop looking at me like I am sooo unusual for not eating animals, because to me it's only kind and fair not to eat them.