Ezzat Tabaiyan’s Last Will
Before her execution in Evin Prison on January 7, 1982
Name: Ezzat Tabaiyan
Father’s Name: Saied Javad
Birth Certificate No. 31171
Life is beautiful and desirable. Like others, I loved life too. However, there comes a time when one must say goodbye to life. For me that moment has arrived and I welcome it. I have no specific bequest; I want only to say that life’s beauties are never forgettable. Those who are alive should try to get the most out of their lives.
My Dear Father and Mother, hi,
During my life you suffered a lot to raise me. Until the last moment I will not forget my father’s callused hands and my mother’s work-worn face. I know that you did your best for me. Nevertheless, there comes the time of separation. This is inevitable. I love you with my whole existence, and I will kiss you from a path through which I cannot see you. My warm regards to my sisters and brothers. Kiss them for me. I love them. In my absence do not suffer for me and do not be hard on yourselves. Try to carry on your lives with the usual love and tenderness. Give my regards to all who ask for me
My Dear Husband, hi,
I had a short life and we had an even shorter life together. I wish I could have lived longer with you. But it is no longer possible. I shake your hand from far away and I wish you a long life. However, I do not think that you ever will see my will.
With a salute to all whom I loved, love and shall love.
January 7, 1982
Ezzat Tabaiyan
وصیتنامهی عزت طبائیان
پیش از تیرباران در زندان اوین در ۱۷ دی ۱۳۶۰
نام: عزت طبائیان
نام پدر: سید جواد
شماره شناسنامه: ۳۱۱۷۱
زندگی زیبا و دوست داشتنی است. من هم مثل بقیه، زندگی را دوست داشتم. ولی زمانی فرا میرسد كه دیگر بایستی با زندگی وداع كرد. برای من هم آن لحظه فرا رسیده است و از آن استقبال میكنم. وصیتی خاص ندارم، ولی میخواهم بگویم كه زیباییهای زندگی هیچگاه فراموششدنی نیست. كسانی كه زنده هستند سعی كنند از عمر خود حداكثر بهره را بگیرند.
پدر و مادر عزیزم سلام
در زندگی برای بزرگ كردن من خیلی رنج كشیدید. تا آخرین لحظه دستهای پینهبستهی پدرم و صورت رنجكشیدهی مادرم را فراموش نمیکنم. میدانم كه تمامی سعی خود را برای بزرگ كردن من كردید ولی به هر حال روز جدایی لحظهای فرا میرسد و این اجتنابناپذیر است. با تمام وجودم شما را دوست دارم و از راهی كه شما را نخواهم دید شما را میبوسم. به خواهران و برادرانم سلام گرم مرا برسانید و آنها را ببوسید. دوستشان دارم. در نبودن من اصلا ناراحتی نكنید و به خود سخت نگیرید. سعی كنید با همان مهر و محبت همیشگیتان به زندگی ادامه دهید. به تمام كسانی كه سراغ مرا میگیرند سلام برسانید.
شوهر عزیزم سلام
هر چند كه زندگی كوتاهی داشتم و مدت بسیار كمی زندگی مشترك داشتیم ولی به هر حال دوست داشتم كه بیشتر میتوانستیم با هم زندگی كنیم ولی دیگر امكان ندارد. از راه دور دست تو را میفشارم و برایت آرزوی ادامهی زندگی بیشتری را میكنم هر چند كه فكر میكنم هرگز وصیتنامه مرا نبینی. با درود به تمامی كسانی كه دوستشان داشتم و دارم و خواهم داشت.
عزت طبائیان
It's very touching and moving.
Kazem Alamdari:
مجید عزیز،
حتا با گذشت 44 سال از اعدام عزت طبائیان، همسرعزیز و مبارز شما، خواندن وصیت نامه اش اشک بر چشمان انسان جاری می کند. غم از دست دادن او مانند هزاران نفر انسانهای شریف دیگری که به دستور جلادان اسلام پناه انجام گرفت فراموش شدنی نیست. کاظم علمداری
Mehdi Aslani:
مجید جانم سلام و مهر! نام بلند عزت یاد باد
ارادت مهدی اصلانی
Dear Majid
I so admire Ezzet’s courage and presence of mind to write her will in dire circumstances. The act itself deserves praise,admiration, and compassion.
Dear Majid, this is a heart breaking. Your wife Ezzat was a true hero, very few could have accepted a death the way she had. She was a pure love. They cruely murdered this innocent, noble, selfless, righteous and briliant human being; reading Ezzat's last will and thinking about it and all the killing that were happening and are happening, I feel pain and anger and helplesness in the face of such injustice. Thinking about you, I wonder how does one survive and still makes a life meaningful.
Thank you for sharing this powerful testimony with me.
Your friend Sonya
Dear Majid, again to see what an extraordinary human being was your Ezzat. She did not think you would ever see her last will and testament. How did you find it?
Ezzat of blessed memory.
love, Louise
Thank you, Majid - sending love and appreciation to you following the anniversary of her death. You honor her powerfully, Sincerely
Hi Majid. Powerful final letter, thanks for sharing.
The combination of the last will with your elegant lyrical poem is breathtaking. A brilliant insight into the costs of political violence.
Reading Ezzat’s last will
Broke my heart ,….
Thinking why should our country loses its best children this way
How heartbreaking and how comforting. The strangest combination. It’s the acceptance that strengthens the reader. How dare we take lives as though we were gods? It’s monstrous.
Loranne: A voice so resigned, so lonely, so exhausted by a religious dogma and its incomprehensible injustices & cruelty. “I heard you” is what I whispered after reading the letter…
Majid Naficy responds: Ezzat is not resigned but combatant. If she wanted she could repent and save her life. But in spite of her love for life she is ready to accept death to defend her integrity and say no to theocracy. Of course, she could not write openly against the regime, because she wrote this will in Evin Prison’s “The Room of Last Will” . Please read the poem “A Witness for Ezzat” published previously in Vox Populi and Iroon.com, to find the observations of a witness about her last moments of life.
مجید عزیز
متاسفم که همسر عزیزت عزت چنین بی رحمانه توسط جمهوری اسلامی به قتل رسید. ممنونم که یاد او را پاس می داری.
با مهر