Darius_Kadivar 's Recent Blogs
Grab the Moment: An autobiography by video journalist Fabrice Moussus
Darius_Kadivar | 2 years ago
0 495
Translation: France 24 : Demonstrations in Iran : "The turning point has not yet been reached but it is not far”
Darius_Kadivar | 2 years ago
0 337
Turmoil in Iran: “We aren’t afraid anymore” says Panah Panahi
Darius_Kadivar | 2 years ago
1 378
The Jerusalem Post: Trump's refugee ban is keeping out 700 persecuted Iranian Jews
Faramarz | 18 minutes ago
0 3
Category: None
Newsweek: Elon Musk's Chatbot Says There's a Strong Chance Trump Is 'Russian Asset'
Faramarz | 8 hours ago
0 24
Category: None
The end of shared values? Europeans grapple with Trump's America • FRANCE 24 English
Viroon | 18 hours ago
0 51
Category: None
I understand this lady's view of Iranian group connected to the outsiders who have a history of lobbying against Iran and Iranian people and in the case of MKO, directly and indirectly betraying the people and the country. It is a view shared by the vast majority of Iranians, rightfully so.
But isn't it hypocritical to use VOA as your platform, considering VOA is a main propaganda voice of the USA which is not even allowed to broadcast inside America
Masih Alinejad is a great lady who is diligently works for Iranian people. Our respects and greetings to this brave Iranian woman. We are proud of you Masih.
Not long ago, Trita was coming on Iranian sites and asking me to take a number for regime change in Iran. Now he becomes one of the oppositions. ha..ha..ha. That was the time N.I.A.C member such as Sarah joon was teaching Persian dancing to Obama in Oval office for Persian national holiday NOROOZ. In those days, Trita had close frienship with Zarif foreign minister of mullahs and president Rohani's brother. In fact I posted his picture with Rohani's brother in Vienna on Iranian site. These people are backstabbers and opportunists. They look around to see which direction the wind is breezing, so they bend over in that direction. I mentioned frequently to this guy that it is better to think of interests of million Iranians insitead of his own pocket. I am ashmed to call these people as my country men/women.
Sahar joon from N.I.A.C is teaching Persian dancing Baba Karam to Obama for Iranian national holiday NOROOZ.