inspector_clouseau_watson 's Recent Blogs
Happy first anniversary to our great President Trump for his triumphant victory of 2016 presidential election.
inspector_clouseau_watson | 7 years ago
3 1001
38th Anniversary of Iranian Terrorists taking 52 Americans hostage by climbing up the US embassy walls in Tehran, Iran.
inspector_clouseau_watson | 7 years ago
5 1055
Stop Terrorism 101, President Trump!
inspector_clouseau_watson | 7 years ago
6 1005
The Jerusalem Post: Trump's refugee ban is keeping out 700 persecuted Iranian Jews
Faramarz | 40 minutes ago
0 8
Category: None
Newsweek: Elon Musk's Chatbot Says There's a Strong Chance Trump Is 'Russian Asset'
Faramarz | 9 hours ago
0 24
Category: None
The end of shared values? Europeans grapple with Trump's America • FRANCE 24 English
Viroon | 18 hours ago
0 51
Category: None
I wish Donald Trump were the US president then so he would nuke the fuck out of the barbaric animals!
DearICW: I could see why this simple yet poignant note not being featured on the front page. Why would anyone, including the editor and bloggers around who played part in or cheered the hosatge taking moment, want this embarrassing national stain to be reminded or displayed in any pulbic forum!?
Excuse me did you see their birth certificates to confirm those so called students were Iranians?
Assdola was one of those students who climbed up the front gate of the US embassy.
Ask "amirKirKhar4her" and she'll tell you, that Ass-Dola's so called "blogs" are featured on this site for the same reason his so called "surveys" (using his "Alphabet" user ID ) are featured:
He ships to Kos Kos every month lbs10 of prime, bone in , Halal NZ lamb for Sorya's consumption. In return, this tooleh akhoond NIACi has the run of this site!